Editor’s Welcome September 2023

Some Leaside Life columnists’ articles seem to generate a lot of interest – and letters to the editor. We certainly always appreciate fan mail, but we also appreciate the odd brickbat when we haven’t gotten it quite right.

Geoff Kettel’s column on the Crestview Apts. was last month’s lightning rod. Not only did we receive letters, but Leaside Life, via Geoff, became a Facebook darling – for the wrong reasons.

Here’s what Geoff wrote in our August issue: “The Crestview Apartments property has, remarkably, remained in the same family-owned business since construction. However, pending (or actual) sale of the property is rumoured (but not confirmed). (Italics are mine.) Sale of the property could affect the status of the property, which may be seen as a potential site for redevelopment.”

People were not happy when they read this. We got mail. We also heard indirectly. In one response, from Facebook, a writer said:

“In order to put out the flames of recent rumours and inflammatory incorrect information in August’s Leaside Life….” The writer shared that Councillor Robinson agrees Crestview Apartments should receive heritage designation and she has submitted a letter of support to include the apartments in the City of Toronto’s Heritage Register. Plus, the owner of the property has no intention of selling the property.

Were we truly inflammatory? Let us know at . You can read Geoff’s mea culpa in this issue.

On a lighter note…did you know that Leaside used to be a hotbed of 10-pin bowling activity? You don’t have to be a fan of The Big Lebowski to enjoy reading Ted DeWelles’ engaging story on yet another fascinating chapter in Leaside’s history. Enjoy the issue!

About Jane Auster 62 Articles
Jane Auster is the editor of Leaside Life. Jane is an award-winning professional editor and writer for print and digital who has covered a variety of industries in Canada for more than 25 years. As a print journalist, Jane has contributed to many of the major consumer magazine markets in Canada, including Maclean’s, Canadian Business, and The Globe and Mail.