New Year’s in September?
Welcome back from your summer, whether or not you were away. Autumn approaches. It always feels as if September (not January) is really the start of a new year, with schools reopening, activities starting up, …more
Welcome back from your summer, whether or not you were away. Autumn approaches. It always feels as if September (not January) is really the start of a new year, with schools reopening, activities starting up, …more
The Leaside Residents Association hopes you are enjoying a relaxing and tranquil summer. But beware! Our summer is likely to get busier any minute now. Soon we will approach Don Valley West’s November 4th byelection …more
As you might expect, most Leasiders, when they contact the LRA, do so to ask for information or advice on local planning or traffic issues. The runner-up topic? You guessed it. Not enough enforcement! Residents …more
As I write, a giant sinkhole has opened up on Moore Avenue, by the entrance to Mount Pleasant Cemetery’s Visitation Centre. To be accurate, I should really say the sinkhole has RE-opened, as this is …more
It used to be said that Toronto has two seasons: winter – and construction. This year, although winter has been less predictable, construction has been reliably predictable and more non-stop than ever. As for spring, …more
I want to share some thoughts on Leaside’s traffic situation, as the LRA awaits further information and recommendations from the Leaside Neighbourhood Transportation Plan (LNTP) team. It occurs to me that we are not necessarily …more
On Tues., April 2, after several months’ delay, North York Community Council will try to decide on a solution for what continues to be a safety problem in South Leaside. The location: Bayview Avenue at …more
Toward the end of 2023 the Leaside Residents Association held our first in-person Annual General Meeting since the pandemic. We were pleased to see a good turnout of attendees, many armed with questions on a …more
As we head into the new year, I encourage you to be aware of upcoming opportunities to make an impact on Leaside’s traffic issues. You will recall that, near the end of 2023, Phase One …more
Last month I reported on both the Leaside Neighbourhood Transportation Plan (Phase One), and a separate recommendation from the City’s traffic staff that a traffic signal be installed on Bayview Avenue at Sutherland Drive, to …more
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