Better question: who doesn’t? Apparently, at least half of Leaside is looking for a handy-person. In all the years I’ve been editing Leaside Life I don’t believe we’ve ever received as much mail as we did for Janis Fertuck’s profile in our May issue on handyman extraordinaire Rob Hughes.
Before our story ran, Rob had already gained a reputation as a “who ya gonna call” kind of guy, a go-to resource for jobs both big and small.
But once Janis’s piece ran, our email was, to coin a phrase, ringing off the e-hook. At first it was just a trickle of enquiries from residents wanting to reach Rob. With Rob’s permission, we initially acted as the go-betweens and forwarded his info to the readers. But then as the momentum built, we felt more like Rob’s agent, fielding a flood of requests and beginning to feel the way Drake’s manager must feel.
Rob’s popularity speaks to a mini-trend arising in the wake of the pandemic, as people, spending lots more time at home, suddenly start scrutinizing their domiciles and seeing the need for improvement. Rob continues to be kind enough to offer to answer readers personally, but now his dance card is likely filled for the year. Surely there are other “Robs” in Leaside. If so, this is your time. Don’t be shy about putting out your shingle. Leasiders need you.
On a completely different note…the June 2 provincial election is right around the corner. Don Valley West boasts a very impressive slate of candidates. Who will be the next MPP? An exciting time to be a voter!
And finally…
Correction: In the column Leasider Catherine Wiseman-Hakes launches The Compassionate Justice Fund (May issue), we stated that Catherine “is also a mother to three now young adult sons. …” In fact, Catherine is mother to three adult children: two sons, Andrew and Nicolas, and daughter Hannah.