Whether you prefer a leisurely brunch or a quick grab and go breakfast, Leaside has much on offer. A casual stroll any weekend and many weekday mornings will reveal a thriving brunch culture in our part of the world.
Packed coffee shops and restaurants hosting a diverse selection of entrées, beverages and pastries attract Leasiders and visitors. The most popular spots sport lineups filled with patrons animatedly chatting while awaiting their table.
If you’re part of the breakfast crowd, you’re not alone. David Portalatin, vice president, food industry advisor, for NPD, says on npd.com that “in 2019 at home breakfast is on the decline and breakfast trends include more healthful and balanced meals, grab and go and more restaurants adding or completely focusing on breakfast and brunch.”
Google Yelp and you’ll see Leaside is home to two breakfast restaurants in their top 30 and one in their top 10. Can you guess which ones they are from our chart below?
Here we offer an easy-to-follow guide to Leaside’s breakfast, brunch and munch spots. Let us know your Leaside favourites and why. (Click on table to expand).