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Letters October 2020

Re: Cycling in Leaside Ms. Burtin Fripp’s balanced and thoughtful article inviting a renewed discussion on cycling in the city and more specifically in Leaside was innocuous enough that Mr. Cartney’s tartly worded response then …more

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Letters July 2020

Say yes to the mask! I read with interest Glenn Asano’s article in Leaside Life about Darren Sampson and NovoMask. On April 11, I ordered one dozen masks from Darren after reading his post on …more

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Re: Traffic and speed limits in Leaside While admirable, the battle to reduce speed limits in Leaside makes NO sense in 2019 with the construction of the Eglinton LRT line – traffic is already at …more

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Letters October 2019

Re: Changing Leaside I enjoyed your [Glenn Asano] article on the changes facing Leaside in the future. This is just the tip of the iceberg when you add in other social and environmental changes coming …more

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Letters June 2019

Re: Leaside Litter I too am appalled at the amount of garbage I see on my daily dog walk in Leaside. Our precious earth deserves better. As parents we need to remind our children not …more

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February 2019 Letters

Re: Streets of Leaside – Bennington Thank you for the article on the name “Bennington” and about my parents, Thomas and Evelyn Weatherhead. It is wonderful to recall how idyllic it was for me and …more

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Letters – June 2018

Dear Editor: When I first saw the article titled “There’s more than business at the Leaside Business Park” I was expecting a nice article about the park.  Instead I found a rather unflattering portrayal of …more