It’s been two years now since I last sat down, face to face, with the Leaside Life editorial team.
In the “before” era, we’d meet regularly to plan the issue. These meetings were always exhilarating. There’s nothing livelier than a room of writers sharing ideas, sparking off one another, and in our case…eating! There were always goodies to fortify the body as well as the soul.
Now, we meet the way so many people get together these days: via that virtual platform beginning with a Z. It’s what one local city councillor calls Hollywood Squares style. There’s always someone on mute, or someone else whose video isn’t working properly who has to resort to the Chat function. And, eating during a Zoom just doesn’t seem that appetizing.
But somehow, we are continuing to produce Leaside Life every month. This isn’t Thanksgiving time, but I do want to give thanks for the talented team I have the privilege to work with. They keep me motivated and excited, especially since they’re always brimming with new ideas to help bring more Leaside into the 10,000 homes and businesses in M4G that receive the publication each month.
The new year is still new enough for me to hope that the team will be able to meet again, in person, before too long to break bread and break out new inspiration for Leaside Life.