Refugee sponsorship fundraiser
Wed., Jan. 31, 6:30 p.m. Royal Canadian Legion, 243 Coxwell Ave.
An evening with Michelle Shephard and Anna Maria Tremonte showing
Michelle’s documentary The Perfect Storm. Discussion to follow. Tickets are $22.63 from:
If you can’t make it, help us with a donation at
Leaside United Church
832 Millwood Rd. 416 425 1253
Grief Support Group
Jan 10-May 1, 2:00-3:30 p.m.
Facilitated by Jean Marie Suchora, Minister of Pastoral Care. Free.
Leaside Branch Public Library
165 McRae Drive, 416-396-3835 , To see all Leaside branch programming and activities:
Needlework Thurs., February 1, 8, 15, 22 and 29 – 10:00-11:30 a.m.
Bring your own knitting or crocheting, or start something new while learning about different library programs and resources.
- Draw Joy from a Pencil
Wed., Feb. 14 – 10:00-11:30 a.m. Find the joy in using a simple pencil to create a beautiful piece of art. A laidback session of drawing for everyone from beginners to advanced. Drop-in.
- Baby Time and Stay-and-Play
Tues, Feb. 6 and 13 – 10:30-11:30 a.m. Songs and stories for babies to 18 months with parents or caregivers. Storytime followed by Stay-and-Play, a fun opportunity for children and parents to socialize. Drop-in.
- Toddler Time and Stay-and-Play
Fri., Feb. 2 and 9 – 10:30-11:30 a.m.
Stories, songs and rhymes for children ages 19 months to 3 years with their parents or caregivers. Story time followed by Stay-and-Play. Drop-in.
- After School Club
Mon., Feb. 5, 12 and 26 – 3:30-4:30 p.m. Join us for afternoons of fun with games, projects and activities. Ages 6-12.
- Adult Board Games Night
Tues, Feb. 6, 13, 20 & 27 – 6:00-7:30 p.m. Join us for a night of fun. Bring friends or make new ones. No registration required.
- Repair Cafe
Sat., Feb. 17 – 12-3:00 p.m. Bring your broken household items and Repair Café will fix for free and teach you how to DIY! Drop in.
St. Augustine of Canterbury Anglican Church
Groove Room Coffee House
Friday, Feb 9th, 7:00-9:30 p.m.
Groove Room Coffee House. Listen to great live music by local artists and have a coffee and dessert with friends. $5 with all proceeds to the Flemingdon Food Bank. We are looking for performers.
We are looking for performers. Contact:
St. Cuthbert’s, Leaside
1399 Bayview Ave., 416-485-0329,, email: .
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper
Tues., Feb. 13 – 5:30 p.m. to 7:15 p.m. – free-will offering. Reserving beforehand would be appreciated.
Ash Wednesday. February 14. 10 a.m. Said Service and 7:30 p.m. Sung Service
Tai chi. Tuesdays 1:30 – 2:30 p.m. in Lamb Hall. Suggested donation $4.
Leaside Garden Society Speaker Series or email:
Speaker Series. February 8th, 7p.m. via Zoom. Guest speaker: Joyce Hostyn. Topic: Perfectly Imperfect Lawns.
The Garden Society welcomes guests and new members to join.
Northlea United Church
125 Brentcliffe Rd., 416-425-5252,,
Stay tuned for more events.
CFUW Leaside-East York
Thurs., Feb. 15, 7:30 p.m. via Zoom
Emerging technologies and how AI can be used responsibly. Speaker: Ori Freiman, Post Doc Fellow McMaster U Digital Society Lab.

Leaside Curling Club
Sat., March 2
An opportunity to learn about curling with some ice time and refreshments. For more info: see ad on page 22, or: