Editor: Get ready for the big 110!
In just over a month from now, someone is going to celebrate a really big birthday. I’m looking at you, Leaside. On May 7, 1913, the Town of Leaside was incorporated by act of the …more
In just over a month from now, someone is going to celebrate a really big birthday. I’m looking at you, Leaside. On May 7, 1913, the Town of Leaside was incorporated by act of the …more
Crossing the Bridge Quite often a theme will emerge when Leaside Life’s creative people sit around a warm Zoom screen to discuss the next issue. That happened as we started planning the March publication. Nearly …more
Do you have your New Year’s resolutions ready to launch? According to the site Soft Skills, the top 10 resolutions are the usual suspects: everyone’s #1 and #2 – Exercise more, Lose weight – and …more
I don’t know about you, but I am back in full mask mode. I know, I know, there’s no mask mandate as such, but Ontario’s top doctor, Kieran Moore, has strongly recommended a return to …more
For two minutes on November 11, at the 11th hour, Canadians are invited to remember, in silent reflection. Canada has declared that the date is of “remembrance for the men and women who have served, …more
Are you suffering from voter fatigue? First it was the federal election just over a year ago. Then the provincial election just a few months ago. And now, on October 24, we’re heading to the …more
As LRA’s co-president Carol Burtin Fripp says in her column this month, “I’ve always felt that it’s the beginning of September that feels like the start of a new year. The weather begins to change, …more
Imagine spending half your high school career under the shadow of a pandemic. Imagine having your in-person learning interrupted and disrupted and then having to pivot to online learning. Imagine returning to school, but to …more
I’ve been a confirmed food hall fan since the concept of an all-under-one-roof culinary extravaganza experience was introduced in Toronto. I was one of those waiting with anticipation for the opening of Eataly, which I …more
Better question: who doesn’t? Apparently, at least half of Leaside is looking for a handy-person. In all the years I’ve been editing Leaside Life I don’t believe we’ve ever received as much mail as we …more
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