Editor: Feeling the love in Leaside

Full confession. I am not from Leaside. In fact, I am not even originally from Canada, though I’ve now lived here most of my life. I am one of those come-from-away people who fall in love with their new home, never want to leave, and become obnoxious singing its praises to anyone who will listen (and many who will not).

More and more, Leaside is attracting new residents who realize what a gem the community is, how vibrant, and how much it offers. We’ve started sharing their stories – your stories – in our publication under the heading “My Leaside Life.”

This special issue of Leaside Life, though, features a particular focus on the Town of Leaside as it turns 110 in May. Leaside is steeped in rich history, especially of people who were community builders far beyond the original town’s borders. We’re not talking about musty, dusty history, however, but living reminders of what makes this community special.

So, while this issue does nod to some of the key dates in the town’s history, we also look at Leaside through different lenses. Just a small sample: to celebrate the 110th, we take you around Leaside by bike on a special cycling tour, on foot to a sampling of historical homes, and even past some lesser-known Leaside landmarks you didn’t even know existed. We also celebrate key milestones in Leaside’s history, including significant sports achievements that have put Leaside on the map at home and abroad.

I hope you’ll find at least 110 things to enjoy in this celebration of a very special town. Tell us your Leaside stories at .

About Jane Auster 63 Articles
Jane Auster is the editor of Leaside Life. Jane is an award-winning professional editor and writer for print and digital who has covered a variety of industries in Canada for more than 25 years. As a print journalist, Jane has contributed to many of the major consumer magazine markets in Canada, including Maclean’s, Canadian Business, and The Globe and Mail.