About 35 Bennington Heights residents banded together last month to form committees, fundraise and keep putting up lawn signs in preparation for the Ontario Municipal Board hearing late in October (after our deadline).
More than $15,000 had been raised to fight a developer who wants to sever the single lot at 21 Evergreen Gardens and build two homes about 10 feet taller and with more square footage than allowed by zoning bylaws. The Committee of Adjustment had previously approved the plan.
Jennifer Rideout, a co-founder of Save Our Bennington, says “This isn’t a fight against developers; this is about maintaining the integrity and character of Bennington.”
Two other redevelopment projects are being considered for Bennington Heights. A six-storey condo or three-storey townhomes are proposed at the northwest corner of Bayview and Evergreen on land zoned for single family dwellings. Another developer purchased two properties and wants to build three-storey townhouses on Bayview Heights.