Leaside Showdown. The candidates for City Councillor in the new Ward 15 answer our questions.

Jon Burnside, Incumbent, Former Ward 26
Local schools: Given all the new development in and around Leaside, schools are already at or over capacity. How will you work with the TDSB to advocate for solutions, including the possibility of new schools?
While in meetings with our 939 Eglinton development community working groups, I invited our school trustee and school board officials to join discussions regarding the challenges of school capacity.
With the Laird/Eglinton development, this collaboration will continue. I have already reached out to the developer to address the possibility of adding a school onsite should the TDSB deem it necessary.
Although decisions involving schools are not within a Councillor’s jurisdiction, my efforts to limit density in the neighbourhood, while engaging with TDSB officials and developers, will be vital in ensuring that education facility issues will be effectively addressed.
Social issues: Leaside is experiencing social issues including the potential for criminal activity including gun violence. How will you work to ensure the safety of all residents but especially children and the elderly?
My experience as a former police officer and expert studies’ analysis guide my approach to gun crime and violence.
I’ve worked for over 25 years to engage youth and build relationships between police and community – and I will continue this strategy.
We need to ban handguns (not just their SALE) in the GTA, change the Criminal Code to enforce minimum sentences for gun crime, stop the revolving door of the bail process, double the size of the Toronto Police Service Guns and Gangs squad, and ensure enough officers are hired. We need meaningful – not symbolic – changes for our safety.
Development: The province’s growth plans call for intensification close to public transit routes. What will you do to ensure reasonable and sensitive growth for the area. Where do you stand on development along the LRT corridor?
I’ve fought every step of the way (often against City Planning) for developments not to exceed the minimum density as set out by the Provincial Growth Plan.
My practice of forming resident working groups with developers at the beginning of the process helps to identify and address local concerns. With the assistance of my working group, we negotiated a 33% density reduction at Brentcliffe and Eglinton.
I’ll continue pushing my plan of promoting balanced development across the LRT line by increasing fees in fully developed areas such as Leaside and reducing fees further east and west.
Ward changes: Given the sudden changes to the Ward boundaries, how will you manage to fully represent all the divergent groups within the new larger ward?
Ward 26 is a microcosm of the City. I’ve built trust and relationships in every community of our ward, making me perfectly suited for an expanded ward.
My practice of engaging communities by forming committee and working groups, attending all resident association meetings, and conducting annual Town Halls in each community, is a practice I will continue throughout our expanded area.
My own “on the ground” approach is the only way to feel the pulse of the community. I’ll continue my 24-hour office call back guarantee and personal follow-up including onsite visits. I’ve got boundless energy — and love my job.
Heritage: What will you do to ensure that the unique heritage of Leaside is preserved and protected?
I grew up here; 103 Airdrie was our family home for 54 years, so I have a deep emotional attachment to Leaside. I understand the importance of retaining our historic character.
Working together with the LPOA, I have supported the heritage designation of relevant buildings on both Laird and Bayview. I will continue to be vigilant in protecting the unique character of Leaside while balancing the changing needs of the community.
Laird in Focus: What will you do to ensure Laird in Focus is thoughtful, responsive and successful for both the residents and businesses affected?
Recognizing the need for a development framework on our community corridor, I pushed City Planning staff to include the entire west side of Laird Dr. within the Laird in Focus Study.
Throughout numerous consultations, I consistently heard that while the community accepts the reality of intensification along the LRT, there is a strong desire to protect heritage buildings, limit density, and address traffic concerns.
When consultants made height and density proposals which exceeded Growth Plan minimums, I ensured that they were adjusted appropriately. Unhappy with the traffic portion, I sent it back for further study and consultation with the community.
Green space: How will you ensure that green and recreational spaces are maintained and enhanced to support the growing needs within Leaside?
Green and recreational space has been a top priority of mine in Leaside. I’ve vigorously pursued opportunities to acquire additional land to expand Leonard Linton Park and have secured almost $1 million to enhance and make improvements to the park, including a splash pad.
Working together with community member Jillian Walsh, I complemented her extraordinary fundraising efforts by securing additional funds to enhance Trace Manes playground.
I negotiated more than $8 million in Section 37 funds to be used towards a new community centre at Laird and Eglinton which would include a safe walking space for seniors.
Traffic: What will you do to address the ever increasing traffic congestion and risks within Leaside? Include comments on both pedestrian and cyclist safety.
The City’s Vision Zero plan lacks enforcement strategies and thus fails to reduce the shameful number of traffic-related fatalities.
My photo radar initiative to control speeds will be a reality within a year; I will continue pursuing technology-based tools to make our roads safer.
Neighbourhood traffic volume concerns led to me form the North and South Leaside Traffic Committees. I will continue to actively address this issue.
Recognizing the need for a multi-modal approach to reducing traffic, I proposed a plan for bike lanes on Leslie providing a north-south route through the city with minimal vehicular traffic impact.

Jaye Robinson, Incumbent, Former Ward 25
Local schools: Given all the new development in and around Leaside, schools are already at or over capacity. How will you work with the TDSB to advocate for solutions, including the possibility of new schools?
School capacity is a critical issue for families in Leaside. I will push the TDSB to build new brick-and-mortar additions in Leaside, advocate for a hold on new development until adequate school capacity is secured, and push the province to permit the TDSB to collect Educational Development Charges. Our community’s fight against the John Fisher development prompted a new TDSB policy to oppose development applications when they do not have the capacity to accommodate new students in the area. As your representative, I will ensure that the city and TDSB work together to assess the impact on school capacity when processing new development applications.
Social issues: Leaside is experiencing social issues including the potential for criminal activity including gun violence. How will you work to ensure the safety of all residents but especially children and the elderly?
As chair of Community Development and Recreation, I introduced the city’s first Seniors Strategy. I also voted to accelerate the implementation of youth violence prevention initiatives, expand the Community Crisis Response program, and implement a ban on the sale of handguns in Toronto. I have a strong working relationship with the local police divisions and regularly meet with the Superintendents and Chief of Police. I formed a proactive task force bringing together community leaders and senior TPS officials to address break-ins in Don Valley West. Together we achieved a significant reduction in the number of break-and-enters in our neighbourhoods.
Development: The province’s growth plans call for intensification close to public transit routes. What will you do to ensure reasonable and sensitive growth for the area. Where do you stand on development along the LRT corridor?
My top priority is to protect our neighbourhoods and ensure that the community’s best interests are represented throughout the development process. As a city councillor, I’ve spearheaded city-wide planning reform to shift power over development back to neighbourhoods and actively opposed developments in areas that do not have adequate infrastructure to support high density. The Laird-Eglinton intersection is a “T-intersection,” not a major intersection (as Laird narrows to the north) and as such is not suitable for major high-rise development. I will continue to fight overdevelopment – such as the RioCan proposal for 815 Eglinton Avenue East.
Ward changes: Given the sudden changes to the Ward boundaries, how will you manage to fully represent all the divergent groups within the new larger ward?
Before I became a city councillor, I was a director in the City’s Economic Development division. In this capacity, I worked with hundreds of stakeholders across the city to execute community projects and major events such as Nuit Blanche, Summerlicious, and Winterlicious. I have experience balancing divergent interests for the betterment of our neighbourhoods and will continue to service the residents of Don Valley West with extensive consultation and proactive communication. I’m a strong advocate for public engagement and consistently keep my residents informed of local and city-wide issues through regular newsletters, community town halls, up-to-date social media posts, and a comprehensive website.
Heritage: What will you do to ensure that the unique heritage of Leaside is preserved and protected?
The historical character of the Leaside neighbourhood should be celebrated. As part of the recently-passed Yonge-Eglinton Secondary Plan, I supported policies to ensure that all new development preserves and enhances the unique urban design and landscape qualities of the existing site. As a part of this plan, a Heritage Impact Assessment will now be required for any development applications on or adjacent to properties with potential cultural heritage value.
Laird in Focus: What will you do to ensure Laird in Focus is thoughtful, responsive and successful for both the residents and businesses affected?
An initiative of this magnitude requires experience, involvement, and leadership from your elected representative. I will work with the Leaside community to create a strong and detailed planning framework to protect our neighbourhoods over the long term. I will facilitate further public consultation and ensure that community feedback informs the final iteration of the Laird in Focus plan. I will initiate an infrastructure study to prevent new development from outpacing the city’s infrastructure. This summer, I introduced a revised Secondary Plan to limit building heights in the Yonge-Eglinton neighbourhood. City Planning has called the recently-passed Yonge-Eglinton Secondary Plan the strongest and most prescriptive planning framework in Toronto’s history.
Green space: How will you ensure that green and recreational spaces are maintained and enhanced to support the growing needs within Leaside?
My track record demonstrates my commitment to the protection and enhancement of parks, green space, and community amenities. As a city councillor, I’ve delivered results for Don Valley West, revitalizing 25 parks and facilitating the city’s purchase of four new properties for public parkland. I also initiated a complete overhaul of the existing city-wide tree bylaw to protect trees threatened by construction, strengthen enforcement, and increase the fines for developer violations.
Traffic: What will you do to address the ever increasing traffic congestion and risks within Leaside? Include comments on both pedestrian and cyclist safety.
I introduced Toronto’s first-ever city-wide Road Safety Plan as chair of the Public Works and Infrastructure Committee. Since 2017, I’ve launched school safety zones, accelerated the implementation of automated speed enforcement, and lifted the moratorium on community safety zones. this summer, i announced the city’s new Active and Safe Routes to School project in partnership with SickKids, funded by Bloomberg. I’ve moved over 100 traffic-related motions and will work closely with the Leaside community to address the issue of arterial traffic infiltration in our residential neighbourhoods. A comprehensive strategy is needed to avoid isolated measures that negatively impact adjacent streets and exacerbate overall traffic issues in the neighbourhood.
Additional Election Coverage Photos
Jaye Robinson, Incumbent, Former Ward 25.
Jon Burnside, Incumbent, Former Ward 26.