Leaside Events June 2023


Leaside Pub, June 24, from 4 p.m. Open mic, trivia contest, music, meet and greet and time to reminisce. We are raising money for LHS to help refurbish a student lounge. We also hope to arrange a tour of LHS. More info: contact Earl Manners .

Quilts/Quilted Items Driveway Sale

The Pieceful Nights Quilters’ Guild invites you to their Quilts and Quilted Items Driveway Sale, Sat., June 3, 9:30 a.m.-3:00 p.m. at 430 Broadway Ave. Handmade creations for baby, holidays and home. (Rain date Sun., June 4.) To learn more: Andrea Howell, President, 416 423 8695.

Northlea United Church

125 Brentcliffe Rd. 416 425 5252 www.northleaunited.ca 

June 7 – 7:00 p.m. – Taizé In The Pines Gather for this alternative music-based time of quiet contemplation. Seating provided. We will move inside if the weather is inclement, so bring a mask. Dedicating the Pines as a Healing Forest: Ceremony June 17 – 11:00 a.m. Northlea is working with the National Healing Forest organization. To read more about the project, visit nationalhealingforests.com.

St. Augustine’s Anglican Church

1847 Bayview Ave.

Listen to great live music by local artists and have a coffee and dessert with friends. The next Groove Room Coffee House is Fri., June 9, 7:00-8:30 p.m. Cost is $5 with all proceeds going to the Flemingdon Food Bank. We are looking for performers.

St. Cuthbert’s, Leaside

1399 Bayview Ave. 416 485 0329 www.stcuthbertsleaside.com

Hot Dog! Kick off summer. A party for everyone in our community. BBQ, games – rain or shine – Thursday, June 15 from 5 p.m.- 7:30 p.m.

Tai Chi: Tuesdays 1:30- 2:30 p.m. Donation: $4.

Volunteers welcome to assist in our community vegetable garden, providing fresh organic produce to Flemingdon Food Bank. Main “work party” day: Wednesdays, 10 to noon.

Magical Gardens Tour 2023

Sat., June 24 from 11 a.m.- 4 p.m.

Advance tickets $15 available at Heaps Estrin, Write Impressions, Lilac Hair, Summer’s Best, Leaside Pub, and at the Leaside Library the day of the tour. An exploration of neighbourhood gardens where you can meet the gardeners and ask questions. Also, a special flower exhibit and show at the Leaside Library on June 24 from 12:30 p.m- 3:30 p.m.

Leaside Garden Society

Speaker Series on June 8. Special guest: Dugald Cameron. Topic: Hardy Hydrangeas: from Panicles to Mopheads. Refreshments at 7 p.m. Meeting at 7:30 p.m. In-person at Northlea United – 125 Brentcliffe Rd. The Garden Society always welcomes guests and new members to join the society for our meetings. Visit our website: www.leasidegardensociety.org or email: .

Leaside Presbyterian Church

670 Eglinton Ave. East 416 422 0510 or .

Monthly luncheons on the second Wednesday of the month at 1 p.m. June 14th: World traveller and photographer Susan Rogers shares travel experiences, favourite images and tips on how to make photos more compelling. Please bring your own bagged lunch. Coffee and tea provided.

East York Hall of Fame


This year’s inductees include Alan Redway. Thursday, June 22 6 pm. Jawny Bakers, 804 O’Connor Drive. Tickets $70.

Spring Into Action for youth
mental health

Sat., June 10. Presented by InsideOut. 2km-5km walk or run, dancing, food, family food and games. To register, sponsor or donate – springintoaction.ca.

Run For Recovery

in support of New Start Foundation for Addiction & Mental Health, Bellwood EHN Canada and Thrive (Recovery community stronger together). Sat., June 17 – Bellwood Grounds, 175 Brentcliffe Rd. 10 a.m to 1 p.m. Register and info www.runforrecovery.ca .

Leaside Branch Public Library

165 McRae Drive, 416-396-3835.

Needlework (knitting & crocheting at the library) Thursdays, 10 a.m.- 11:30 a.m. Bring your own knitting or crocheting project, or start something new while learning about different library programs, services and resources. All are welcome.

Adult Board Games Tuesdays 6- 7:30 p.m.

Come and join us for a night of fun at the Leaside Branch. Bring your friends or come make some new ones as you battle it out over board games. No registration required.

Monthly Art Exhibits

Leaside branch is pleased to have free monthly art exhibits. Each exhibit is by a different artist and reflects the cultural diversity of Leaside and Toronto. Please visit www.tpl.ca/leaside and view “All Branch Programs and Events” to get more info.

Leaside Programming

To see all current and future Leaside branch programming and activities, visit www.tpl.ca/leaside.