The Leaside Stock Index had a wonderful June and July gaining 5.8 percent (including currency) over the generally quiet two-month period. If not for some of the Canadian stocks in the portfolio, the LSI wouldn’t have nearly as good year-to-date performance numbers.
Four of the 10 Canadian stocks delivered returns over the two-month period in excess of 10 percent: Loblaws, Dollarama, Restaurant Brands International (Tim Hortons) and Alimentation Couche-Tard (Mac’s). Together, the four winners averaged 16 percent appreciation in June and July, almost 20 percentage points in excess of its Canadian benchmark, the S&P/TSX Capped Composite Index ETF.
Any way you slice it the performance of the index’s Canadian stocks in June and July, at a time when most stocks in the Canadian benchmark were going sideways or backwards, makes a big statement.