Trace Manes image.

Walking tours of Leaside

We have a number of  walking tours of Leaside for your enjoyment. Choose from Plaques of Leaside, Central Leaside, North Leaside, Bayview Institutional Lands, South Leaside or Central-East Leaside, the Leaside Business Park, and finally …more


Leaside Events April 2024

Toronto-Leaside Rotary Club – Recycle Your Electronics Saturday, April 6 from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm. East York Town Centre, 45 Overlea Boulevard. Please – no appliances or light fixtures. 132nd Scouts Garden Products Sale …more

A flashing light above a stop sign in Leaside. Photo by Robin Dickie.

What the Crizzle?!

February 14th. Valentine’s Day. 7:21 p.m. And I feel anything but love … for Crizzle. I am steps away from the corner of Rumsey and Parkhurst, with Jerry-the-neurotic-wonder-dog, when I am anti-lovestruck. Crizzle rolls up …more