Month: July 2022

What’s the new “normal” for Leaside sports?
Throughout the pandemic, like so many others, I have contemplated what life might look like once we return to “normal.” Will “normal” be the normal of pre-Covid? For me, these thoughts have included our active …more

Editor: Foodies delight! Leaside boasts its own food hall
I’ve been a confirmed food hall fan since the concept of an all-under-one-roof culinary extravaganza experience was introduced in Toronto. I was one of those waiting with anticipation for the opening of Eataly, which I …more

Ron Butcher cycles Leaside – and London
Ron Butcher fondly recalls cycling the streets of Leaside as a youngster. “My bike provided freedom, adventure and fun. I felt I could go any way and do anything. My school friends and I would …more

Bowman holds DVW for the Liberals – a Q&A
“I have always been someone who believes in the value of community service.” – Stephanie Bowman. On June 2nd Ontario gave Doug Ford and the PC party its second majority mandate in the Ontario legislature. …more

Leaside’s indispensable public servant
To the adults and children who go there to socialize and play, R.V. Burgess Park at 46 Thorncliffe Park Drive is a popular and valued community asset. But like many other civic landmarks in Toronto …more

Leaside 110 – how do we celebrate?
Did you know that May 7, 2023 will be the 110th anniversary of the incorporation of the Town of Leaside? The Leaside 100 Gala on April 27 2013 was a really great party, and remains …more