Leaside Rotary host drive-in movie for good causes
The Leaside Rotary Club has teamed up with local businesses Access Storage and Morguard Properties among others, to host another Drive-In Movie fundraising event. On Sat., Oct. 2nd, they will be screening Toy Story 2 at the East York Town Centre. Tickets are $60 per vehicle and this includes the movie admission and a premium snack box. The proceeds from the event will support the TNO (The Neighbourhood Organization), the Kennedy House Youth Shelter, and CCSO (Canadian Community Services Organization). Tickets can be purchased at: thebigscreen.ca/tickets.
Hooligans or just kids being kids?
Reports on the Leaside Community Facebook account say that over the summer large numbers of Leaside youths took to gathering at the local Randolph/Millwood plaza. On occasion the youths moved from a friendly teen gathering to a more aggressive, rowdy stance. In response, police from 53 Division were notified and patrols increased in the area. Toronto Police Services encourages residents to call the Community Response Unit at 416-808-5361 whenever there’s trouble. As well, perhaps a good old-fashioned parent chat might help. Thankfully, recent updates are that the teens are being more respectful to these vital local businesses. The Idler does wonder if there is a broader conversation to be had – does Leaside offer enough opportunity to keep our teenagers active, engaged and out of trouble? Do any of our community organizations offer youth drop-in opportunities? Or is what is happening at the plaza another indirect result of the Covid pandemic?
The kids are alright
Leaside resident Ryan Spitzer has continued the local shoe drive which Mackenzie Bier began and then passed along to her friend, Ryan’s sister, Caroline Spitzer.
“When the opportunity arose to take over the shoe drive, I was immediately interested. I’ve grown up playing sports and loving gym class, so the idea of helping other kids enjoy those things was very intriguing.
I would go on to learn about some of these students’ challenges, and how having a pair of new running shoes each year can make all the difference.”
This year’s drive collected an impressive 171 pairs of gently used running shoes. The shoes will be shared with students who would otherwise not be able to participate in gym class. Ryan said: “I know how much I’ve learned and benefited from playing sports and participating in gym class over the years. Knowing that some students couldn’t participate is why I’ve worked hard at trying to make this possible.” He also thanks the community who have been so supportive over the past two years: “…with schools being online and restrictions surrounding donations, we weren’t able to collect from schools, so all donations have come from the community.”

Leaside hockey is back (fingers crossed)
Following a review over the spring and summer, the Leaside Hockey Association (LHA) recently announced that Nathaniel Brooks (Direction Hockey) and Derrell Levy (In Tech High Performance) will be the new directors of hockey operations.
Also announced was the decision to cancel the 2021/22 LHA Select Invitational Tournament. It’s always a greatly anticipated tournament for the city’s Select level hockey teams, but the LHA board felt the uncertainly surrounding the ongoing Covid pandemic made hosting the tournament too risky to ensure a safe and functioning event.
With a newly updated vaccination policy in place, Leaside Hockey is looking forward to having the players return to the ice this fall. Players at all levels from Hockey School to GTHL are busy preparing for what will be a season like no other. Visit leasidehockey.com for updates.
The Toronto Leaside Girls Hockey Association (TLGHA) and the Leaside Wildcats, likewise, are looking forward to getting their 1,600-plus participants back on the ice. For updates: torontoleasidewildcats.ca
Well run, Terry Fox moms!
For the ninth consecutive year, the moms of the Leaside 99A Flames participated as a team in the Terry Fox Run. While their sons haven’t played together for years, their moms continue to meet monthly for brunch, participate in the annual run, and catch up with random visits and frequent chats.

We could use your help
As the Covid-19 pandemic continues into the fourth wave, the profound need for our neighbouring families in Thorncliffe Park also continues to grow. Currently serving over 700 families and seniors, the Thorncliffe Park Food Bank is always in need of items.
If you’re heading to the grocery store and would like to donate an item or two, you can drop them off locally in the bins on the porch at 131 Hanna Road any day of the week.
Items most required: pasta, cereal, peanut butter, tuna, canned fruits and vegetables, soup, crackers, and toiletries. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out via email to Leaside Life’s own Susan Scandiffio – susanscandiffio@gmail.com.