In last month’s column I promised to report on the LRA’s first meeting with Toronto’s recently appointed manager of area transportation planning, Eric Chan. We supplied him with copies of the LRA’s Leaside Traffic Calming Plan as well as past approaches to our traffic problems, and our terms of reference (creating safer streets; reducing flow-through traffic; no shifting of problems from one street to another; no sacrificing of streets). Cycling and pedestrian safety are also an important part of our mandate.
In addition to assessing the planning aspects, Mr. Chan will be setting up focus groups within Leaside and at some point holding public gatherings. The LRA will be cooperating in the process, which is expected to take a year. We are encouraged by his positive attitude and thorough and structured approach.
Sign of the times?
Does your street still have 40kph traffic signs? All of Leaside’s residential streets are supposed to have had those signs replaced with new 30kph ones, but it’s taking a while to get the job done. Although many of the old signs have been replaced, others have not. Do not lose hope! Councillor Jaye Robinson’s staff are paying close attention and making regular inquiries of city staff.
Many of us Leasiders are also keeping track of streets which still need the new 30kph signs. If the changeover on your street has not been completed by the end of May, please contact me at the LRA ( or c/o Leaside Life (, so we can try to speed things up (no pun intended!).
Calling all tenants!
Are you a tenant? Now that the Leaside Property Owners’ Association has morphed into the Leaside Residents Association, I encourage you to contemplate joining our board of directors. Both owners and tenants have an interest in keeping Leaside a good place to live, and we need to hear more tenants’ perspectives.
Voting change in the works
When the LPOA was first created, and until about 20 years ago, it cost only $5 to become a Life Member in perpetuity. Although annual membership now costs $30, we still recognize Life Members. Our bylaws are being updated, and at the 2020 Annual General Meeting we will be proposing that while Life Membership remains, only dues-paying members will be able to vote at AGMs. (This change would take effect in 2021). The rationale for this is both economic and political. We have to cover legal and planning consultant costs from time to time, and need to know that we can count on consistently raising sufficient funds. Politically, the LRA has more clout in deputations and hearings at City Hall when we can report a healthy number of annually paid-up memberships. Rest assured, everyone will continue to have access to our website and to the LRA’s advice or assistance regardless of dues status.
Because of COVID-19 we will not be holding an in-person meeting, but are considering a conference call, with an update to be put onto the LRA website