110 Feedback
I wanted to reach out to provide some feedback on the most recent issue of Leaside Life. I really enjoyed reading the “Leaside: An Illustrated History” and learned so many interesting facts about our beloved neighbourhood. However, I was surprised and disappointed to not see either a land acknowledgement or some information on the Indigenous communities that resided on this land before John Lea’s arrival in 1820. There is a blue box on page 21 hinting at some info but I think we can do better than that. I think small steps like these allow us to recognize the Indigenous Peoples who are the original stewards of this land we call home now.
Javaneh Zavari
Editor’s reply:
Thank you for your letter and your comments regarding recognition of the Indigenous Peoples who are the original stewards of this land we call home. I agree that we all need to do better, but I’d like to point out first that Leaside Life prints a land acknowledgement in almost every issue. In our special May issue, we included the box you mention on page 21, plus a comment in Geoff Kettel’s column, on page 18. We’ll continue to include coverage, as we’ve done before, of the Indigenous Peoples who were here long before Leaside became Leaside.
What about Harper?
I read your May issue of Leaside Life with great interest as I have been a resident of Leaside since 1979. My husband and I and our 2 sons have enjoyed so much from the community over all these years and continue to do so. Leaside has a rich history as you have noted throughout the issue with many distinguished residents being featured, however I think you really missed a BIG one.
Where is Stephen Harper? He was our Prime Minister from 2006 to 2015 and grew up right here in the 1960’s. He has often talked about his happy memories from this time and has done so as recently as the 100th year celebration.
I cannot imagine how this was overlooked but I urge you to acknowledge this omission in your next issue and give him the recognition that he deserves. Stephen Harper is one of our most distinguished past residents to date and we should be proud of his connection to Leaside.
Margaret Peebles
We still stink?
I’d like to start off by saying that I really enjoy reading the magazine every month. It definitely is a quality publication.
I would like to comment on the “stinky” part of the article. I agree that the magazine has a very strong smell. I’m unable to read it when I receive it. I actually put it outside to “outgas” the smell. It takes a few days for the smell to disappear, and even then, the smell lingers. It’s a “newspaper” smell. I feel that people with sensitivities are more aware of this. My nose, throat, and eyes react to the smell. Again, it’s a newspaper smell.
This won’t stop me from reading the magazine. It just means that I need to air it out before I can read it.
Keep up the good work. We’re fortunate to be receiving Leaside Life!
Mary Nunno