A small ad placed in this very publication about a year ago piqued my interest. It said simply, we’d like to retire and we are selling Leaside Life. It is not that I had a lifelong dream to own a newspaper or magazine, but Leaside Life had always been a cover to cover, must-read for me, so I made an inquiry.
It did not take long to figure out what made Leaside Life so appealing: It was Leaside news, written by people who know Leaside for Leaside people.
For the past five years, the publication created by Harry and Ruth Goldhar has told the important stories about our community – its people, businesses, development issues, traffic…the joys and the tragedies. The news was always local, local, local.
Several months later, along with fellow Leasider Jeff Hohner, we found ourselves as the new owners of Leaside Life. We are so fortunate to have a wonderful roster of contributing writers who care deeply about our community. Through the words of our long-time contributors, Lorna Krawchuk, Allan Williams, Alan Redway, Will Ashworth, Cheryl Vanderburg, Jon Burnside, Geoff Kettel, Ken Mallett and Carol Burtin Fripp, and our newer writers, Vicki Hall, Karli Vezina, Simon Day, Dan Girard, Janis Fertuck, Talbot Boggs and others, we will continue to share with you the stories that make our community so special. It would also be remiss not to thank the many former writers and contributors who have helped Leaside Life along the way, including Patricia Phenix, Michael Pieri, Michael Bliss, Alison Rockwell, Beth and John Parker, Andrea Villiers, Geoff Davies, Karen Fraser and Jethro Seymour.
But for Leaside Life to really work, we need you. As you read through this issue, you will see several of our writers calling on you to share your experiences, opinions or stories. Carol Burtin Fripp is soliciting your feedback on the dramatic changes in housing forms; Allan Williams wants to hear from readers with a personal or family connection to Vimy Ridge; Karli Vezina of I’ll Try Anything Once is asking what she should try next, and Cheryl Vanderburg is wondering if you have any other suggestions for getting rid of stuff that has accumulated stuff. And all of us are asking you to tell us your stories, share with us what you love and what concerns you about Leaside, tell us how we are doing.
We would also like to welcome Robyn Israel, advertising co-ordinator, and Robin Dickie, graphic designer, to our team. In addition to working and raising their families in Leaside, both are very active volunteers in our community.
Finally, this publication would not be possible without the ongoing support of our advertisers. The next time you find yourself shopping at or using the services of one of our advertisers, please let them know you saw them in Leaside Life, and tell them you appreciate their support.
Along with our new editor, Jane Auster, Jeff and I are committed to honouring the legacy created by Harry and Ruth Goldhar. On behalf of everyone at Leaside Life, we hope you have a long and happy retirement.—Stan Flemming. Contact us at leasidelifepublishing@gmail.com.