Leaside Flames give back in an unforgettable hockey weekend


The Leaside Flames Bantam AA team took to the road in a hockey weekend they will never forget. On October 25th, the boys, their parents, and coaches headed to Manitoulin Island with over 450 (!!!) pieces of donated hockey equipment to distribute to the community of Wikwemikong.

The Leaside Flames Bantam AA team were also fortunate enough to listen to, and participate in sessions with a Wikwemikong story teller, a trapper and skinner, and a fisherman.
The Leaside Flames Bantam AA team were also fortunate enough to listen to, and participate in sessions with a Wikwemikong story teller, a trapper and skinner, and a fisherman.

The players and coaches took part in a community drop-in at the Thunderdome arena, assisting girls 5 and up with their skating and hockey skills. They were also fortunate enough to listen to, and participate in sessions with a Wikwemikong story teller, a trapper and skinner, and a fisherman. The weekend was capped off with an exhibition game between the Leaside Flames and the Manitoulin Panthers.

The donations to the community included not just equipment, but funds to be used to support the minor hockey program in the community.

A donation was made to support the minor hockey program in the community.
A donation was made to support the minor hockey program in the community.
Hockey Equipment donations.
Hockey Equipment donations.

Parent Tabatha Bull who initiated and coordinated the trip, comments that she, “truly appreciate(s) the extraordinary work by the coaches, players, and parents, as well as the Leaside community who gave so generously of their donations and assistance.” She also thanks, “the community of Wikwemikong for welcoming the team and making the trip so special for everyone.”

To read about the background of this initiative, see our article from earlier this year:

Set your hockey equipment free!


About Susan Scandiffio 161 Articles
Susan Scandiffio was born in Scotland and raised in Toronto. While she holds a master’s degree in history, her main passion (besides her wonderful family) is sports. Susan can often be found at the A.C.C. or in a Leaside arena or playing field, scoping out stories for Leaside Life.