In our Hood

Dave Sparrow
Dave Sparrow

Congratulations to Leasider Dave Sparrow, newly elected president of ACTRA Toronto. “It is humbling and inspiring,” commented Sparrow, who’s been an active member of Canada’s union of professional performers for over 21 years. With a background at The Second City, Sparrow is known on stage, in over 80 films and TV shows where he’s performed, written, produced and directed. For the past three years, he’s hosted the annual Leaside Laugh Out Loud fundraiser. This April, Sparrow joins comedian Debra McGrath as co-host of the Leaside 100 gala evening.

Parents from Bessborough Public School, led by Josie Daga and Alison Rockwell, joined forces with Maurice Cody parents to collect gently-used outdoor clothing for students at Gateway Public School in Flemingdon Park. Students from all three schools joined in to sort and distribute the clothes for children who are newer Canadians and not always properly prepared for Canadian winter. “There were many touching and teachable moments, as children helped children find clothes that fit,” said Gateway Vice-principal Mikki Hymus. “Gateway is lucky as both Bessborough and Maurice Cody intend to support us with an outdoor clothing drive annually. It’s these moments that make me feel both proud and blessed to be part of a larger community of support.”

More kudos for Leaside Synergy Synychronized Skating Teams, junior and novice— both have advanced to the Canadian National Championships being held in Calgary.

Despite ongoing construction and the biggest snowstorm in years, the 23rd Annual Leaside Flames Select Invitation Tournament was a big success. Dozens of volunteers participated in donating silent auction items, welcoming visitors and cooking in the Flames Café. Teams participated from around the GTA in what is often referred to as the friendliest “old fashion” tournament in town.

And speaking of hockey, the Leaside Hockey Association is celebrating its 60 years anniversary this year. One of the most respected associations in the country, the LHA provides house league, select and GTHL programs for over 1,200 players and their families each year. A special heritage shirt has been designed for the teams playing this year.

Musician Ron Klusmeier brings his Tour of a Lifetime to the neighbourhood with a concert at Leaside United Church on March 2, as well as two musician workshops. Klusmeier, a Vancouver native, has been composing and arranging church music since the ‘70s.

Euchre enthusiasts, here’s your chance. The Euchre group at Trace Manes community centre is looking for players, Wednesday afternoons 12:30 to 3:30. Just show up and they’ll deal you in.

And if singing is your passion, join in a community performance of “Oliver! The Musical” done as a concert/cabaret this April 20. Rehearsals in March at Leaside United Church. Contact for details.