It’s hard to explain what an honour and absolute pleasure it has been representing the Leaside community on the Toronto District School Board. After 33 years of being a school trustee – and loving it – I have decided not to seek re-election.
When I began this journey there were no computers in the classrooms, Leaside was part of the independent Borough of East York, staff and students smoked in and around schools, same sex marriage was illegal and I had brown hair (well, I still do thanks to Miss Clairol). My three children were still in elementary school.
There have been many changes. Technology of all kinds now underpins almost all of teaching and learning. It has enriched our classrooms and opened new vistas in life-long learning. Not only is smoking now banned in our schools but the education system has opened its eyes to concerns such as anxiety and depression and as a result is focusing on wellness and mental health. Homophobia and bullying are major challenges in our schools and that is one of the reasons that the enlightened sexual health curriculum must continue – but that’s a column for another time. Now my seven grandkids are in the public system. They have been blessed with caring teachers who stimulate them to do their personal best. The education system is becoming more complex, but these changes are progressive improvements.
Leaside children and parents have shared a part of their lives with me and I consider that a precious gift. The education of our young people is a priority in our community, and by challenging me, confiding in me and sharing their hopes and dreams with me, Leaside has given me memories that I will cherish forever. Thank you.
Important Meeting
Transportation improvements and infill construction have resulted in concerns over space in our neighbourhood schools. On September 17, I am hosting an info session led by demographers to inform our community of pressure points of school accommodation in areas such as Don Mills & Eglinton, Eglinton in the Leaside area, Yonge & Eglinton, Leslie & York Mills, and Bayview, Don Mills, and Wynford/Concorde. Parents and ratepayers are welcome. For time and location email me at .