Editor’s Welcome, Happy New Year, Leaside!

Happy New Year, Leaside!

Have you made your New Year’s resolutions for 2020, the year of perfect vision?

I always greet this time of year with a mixture of resolve – and guilt. Resolve because I know this is the year I am finally going to (fill in the blank!) … but guilt because, aren’t these the same resolutions I made last year?

So, this year instead of making resolutions that may or may not come to pass, I am going to look forward to some sure things. We’ll be celebrating 2020 with the inclusion of entertaining and (I hope) enlightening features in Leaside Life in what our Business of Leaside columnist is calling the Roaring Twenties (but without Prohibition).

Here’s a taster:

1.  This year Leaside High School will be celebrating its 75th anniversary. In honour of this milestone, we’ll be profiling notable grads and others who have made their mark on the high school – and beyond.

2.  We’ll be wearing our green even more in 2020. With the launch of Cheryl Vanderburg and Debora Kuchme’s Leaside Green column in 2019, we turned the focus to more initiatives that are good for the planet, starting right here in Leaside. Look for even greener themes this year and actions you can take right at home.

3.  The Bayview-Leaside BIA is one busy organization. You’ll be seeing a lot of changes along Bayview that we’ll want to share with you.

4.  What’s happening with Leaside real estate in 2020? We’ve invited local real estate agents to share their unique insights into Leaside’s rapidly changing, always interesting real estate scene.

5.  Where are they now? We asked this question last year and were able to share some unusual stories of former Leasiders who have made homes and careers elsewhere…but still retain a love of their old ’hood. We’ll be hunting down more of these Leasiders-living-elsewhere.

6.  Your residents’ association is in the midst of big change. Stay tuned to this space to learn more about the new focus.

Note that Jaye Robinson’s column appears online this month. (See here.)As always, we love hearing from you with comments and ideas for stories. Here’s to a lively Leaside Life New Year!

About Jane Auster 64 Articles
Jane Auster is the editor of Leaside Life. Jane is an award-winning professional editor and writer for print and digital who has covered a variety of industries in Canada for more than 25 years. As a print journalist, Jane has contributed to many of the major consumer magazine markets in Canada, including Maclean’s, Canadian Business, and The Globe and Mail.