Ball hockey – COVID style
One of the many things I’ve missed in my corona-curtailed world is playing my regular ball hockey game on Tuesday nights from April to October. Yes, for the first time since 2003, my Tuesday nights …more
One of the many things I’ve missed in my corona-curtailed world is playing my regular ball hockey game on Tuesday nights from April to October. Yes, for the first time since 2003, my Tuesday nights …more
I mentioned in my May missive that being marooned in our own home during this lockdown seemed to make it easier to pack on a few extra pounds. Yes, COVID-19 has given me something of …more
It’s July. I’m really hoping that by the time you’re reading these words, I will have had a long-overdue haircut. But I’m not convinced this blessed event will yet have happened. My fingers and all …more
Hello from lockdown! Can you hear me? Is this thing on? Hello? Okay, good. I’m writing to you from what started out in March as our third-floor library, where I write, but now feels a …more
When I wrote my last column, the NBA had not yet made its fateful decision to suspend the rest of the basketball season because one of their players had tested positive for COVID-19. You’ll know …more
I’ve written in this space before about my now nearly half-century love-hate relationship with golf. If you’ve ever played the game, you’ll know what I mean. You love the game until the moment you shank …more
I remember it like it was yesterday. Sound asleep. Dead to the world. Dark outside. I mean really dark. We’re talking pitch black. I could hear an annoying sound in the distance reaching down into …more
I gave fair warning last column that I’d come back to this story, so I’m honouring my word. After all, I’m certain you’ll all want to hear about my debut performance with the National Ballet …more
This makes no sense to me at all, but any way I slice it, I’ve now lived in eight different decades, even though I just turned 60 last month. I’m having enough trouble with the …more
’Tis the season of giving. But when it comes to winter driving, “giving” can be interpreted rather broadly. After several months of spring, summer and fall driving, when our snow tires are safely stacked in …more
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