My nostalgic memory of the dog days of summer
I’ve written before about my idyllic childhood growing up in Leaside amidst the tall leafy trees, the lovely houses, a big park just down the street, and nary a care in the world (except worrying …more
I’ve written before about my idyllic childhood growing up in Leaside amidst the tall leafy trees, the lovely houses, a big park just down the street, and nary a care in the world (except worrying …more
Here’s a strange one from the very early 1970s when my twin brother Tim and I were about 10 or 11. As you might imagine, Leaside is not exactly the kind of neighbourhood where you’d …more
I’ve always hated cutting the lawn. I understand there are very few people walking the streets of Leaside who actually enjoy cutting the lawn (unless of course they’re sitting luxuriously on a cushy riding mower), …more
I know I’ve at least mentioned it before, but I think it’s worth revisiting. Of course, by now you’ll know that I’m talking about one of the less important elements of the pandemic but I’m …more
It happened nearly 20 years ago and has forever been known in family lore as “the cake incident.” It was early September. There are quite a few family birthdays around this time of year, so …more
Maybe it’s because I’m an engineer by academic training. Or perhaps I’m just anally retentive. Some have suggested I’m obsessive. I like to think I’m, at least, gifted, and at most, more highly evolved than …more
Happy New Year! Never in my many years traipsing around this planet have I uttered those words with more hopeful anticipation and disdainful hindsight. Man, 2020 was a year, wasn’t it? And we’re not out …more
Even though we’re well into November as I write these words, I’m still working through all the Halloween candy we did not distribute this year courtesy of pandemic restrictions on trick or treating. I just …more
Now that we’re in the second wave of the pandemic, I’ve transitioned from just missing those many joys of our daily lives that we’ve given up for the last eight months, to abject, hardcore, unadulterated …more
I’m writing this column in the room where I’m blessed to do most of my writing. I’m sitting in the third-floor library in our home overlooking our backyard and its huge maple trees. When I’m …more
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