Deadline for July calendar submissions: June 10, 2013
Bennington Heights Public School Annual Fun Fair, Fri., June 14, 3:30-7 p.m. BBQ, jumpy castles, games for all ages, popcorn, cotton candy…. All proceeds toward purchasing technology for the school. Volunteers are needed; opportunity for student volunteer hours.
Leaside Garden Society’s annual Magical Gardens of Leaside Tour (rain or shine), Sat., June 22, 11-4, self-guided, includes eight urban gardens and outdoor living spaces. Passports, which include garden addresses and a tour map, $10 each (adults and children), available from the Society and several local merchants. or 416-481-8919.
- June meeting and Summer Flower Show, Thurs., June 13, 7:30 p.m., refreshments 7 p.m.,Trace Manes Community Centre. Whistling Gardens: New and Rare Plants, speaker Darren Heimbecker. Visitors and new members welcome.
St. Cuthbert’s Anglican Church, 1399 Bayview: Summer Sizzle on the Green fundraiser, Southern food, entertainment, cash beer tent, Sun., June 16, 5 p.m. Adults $30 (includes food and fun), age 6-14 $10, under 6 free. 416-485-0329.
Leaside Library,165 McRae, 416-396-3835, 416-396-3835.
- Art Exhibit: Quilt Matters by Joanne Lynes, Sat., June 1-30, Community Room.
- Chess in the Library, Sat., June 1- 29, 12-1:30. For children, teens and adults. Drop in.
- Monday Afternoon Book Club, Mon., June 3, 2 p.m. That Summer in Franklin by Linda Hutsell Manning. Event coincides with author talk June 10. No registration required.
- Teen Summer Sizzle, Wed., June 5, 5 p.m. Share summer display and summer intentions. Drop in.
- Time to Talk About the End of Life, Wed., June 5, 7 p.m. Earl Campbell, Consent and Capacity Board, Government of Ontario. Drop in.
- Living and Learning with Baby, Thurs., June 6-27, 1:30 p.m. Continuation of Toronto Public Health programming. 416-338-7600 to register.
- National Film Board: Paula, and Who Cares. Fri., Jun 7, 2 p.m. Both 90 minutes. Paula paints a portrait of interactions between young families and prostitutes in a mixed-use working-class neighbourhood. Who Cares director Rosie Dransfeld enters the gritty and dangerous world of Edmonton’s sex-trade workers. Drop in.
- Author Talk: Mon., June 10, 2 p.m.,Linda Hutsell-Manning reads from her first novel for adults: That Summer in Franklin explores the trauma and heartbreak of dealing with parents affected by dementia and alcoholism. Drop in.
- Study at the Library. Mon., Wed., Thurs., June 10-20, 6 p.m., join other high school students in the Community Room for quiet evening study. Drop in.
- Pajama Time (5 yrs. and under): Ready for Reading! Tue., June 11 – 25, 7 p.m. Bedtimes stories, songs, fingerplays and movies for children. Bring their favourite cuddly toy. Drop in.
- Introduction to Reiki Healing, Fri., June 14, 2 p.m. Stephanie Norwich, reiki master instructor from The Healing Team. Drop in.
- Youth Advisory Group meeting, Wed., June 26, 4- 6. Summer reading and program planning!