Ahhhhh spring! Thoughts of flowers growing, baby animals, warmth and sunshine, and, obviously, cleaning, of the heavy-duty vernal variety.
Spring is the time to open the windows, let in the fresh warm air, and for those with cupboards or garages like mine, start to clear out.
Leaside has both Rotary and City of Toronto Recycling Days (see page 29), but if you’re like me, once you’ve decided you want things gone, you want them gone now.
There are definitely items which you can bring to thrift stores, but there are also many places around Leaside where you can drop items for recycling or safe disposal (some I never would have thought of recycling).
Got stuff and want to keep it out of landfill? We’ve got you covered – and all within the hood.
Pens and markers
If you’ve got writing implements which are out of ink, they can be recycled at Staples at 945 Eglinton Ave. East. (I may or may not have gone through three kids’ worth of markers and brought a LARGE number to be recycled.)
Cellphones, batteries, ink cartridges, cables, monitors, laptops, etc. can be dropped for recycling at Best Buy at 147 Laird Drive.
If you’ve got unused or expired medicines (both prescription and over the counter), avoid flushing or throwing them away. Keeping medications out of landfill or water ensures the leaching of chemicals is avoided.
Take medications out of their packaging, place them in a paper bag and bring them to a Rexall or Shoppers Drug Mart in the neighbourhood for safe disposal.
Got books you’ve finished with? Deposit them in one of the Little Free libraries around Leaside or bring them to Leaside Library.
Auto-related items
Bring your old tires, motor oil or car batteries to Canadian Tire at 825 Eglinton Ave. East for safe disposal.
From 9 to 5, Monday to Friday, eyewear can be dropped at the Toronto Finnish Seniors Centre at 795 Eglinton Ave. East.
Plastic plant pots
Bring back dirty or clean plastic pots to Home Depot at 101 Wicksteed or at the garden centre at Valumart at 1500 Bayview.
Have you outgrown or just plain dislike shoes in your closet? Bring your gently-worn shoes of all sizes and styles to Sportchek at 147 Laird, Bioped at the Whole Foods Plaza at 1864 Bayview Ave. or Enduro Sport at 812 Eglinton Ave. East.
The shoes are distributed through the Soles4Souls program to people in need in Canada and abroad.
Small metal bike parts
Do you have parts such as bike chains, derailleurs, spokes, etc. for disposal? Bring them to Enduro Sport at 812 Eglinton Ave. East.
Hearing aids
Bring hearing aids to Global Hearing Aid Clinic at 1386 Bayview Ave. Hearing aids are passed along to people in need in developing countries.
Know of any other spots in Leaside which recycle products to keep them out of the landfill? Let us know at: .
You can also join the Recycling in Toronto – Midtown and Leaside page on Facebook for discussion and advice.