Dear dog owners: leash your dog!
A letter from a reader: First, I would like to thank all dog owners who walk their dogs with a leash. We non-dog owners appreciate the courtesy very much. Next, I would like to make a heartfelt plea to dog owners who do not leash their dogs, to do so every time they go for a walk in public spaces.
On the evening of Sat., Dec. 14th, my 80-year-old dad was standing in his driveway when a dog charged towards him barking ferociously. He was scared and ran towards the house, but tripped and fell on the stairs. He hit his head on the stone steps and his face was bleeding. His hands, fingers, leg and knee were also severely bruised and swollen. He cried for help to the owner of the dog, who quickly walked away without checking the situation or saying a word. It was dark and we have no idea who the person was. We are incredibly disappointed that the person did not take responsibility. Fortunately, after 12 hours at the ER, there were no broken bones or bleeding in the head. However, it would not be unreasonable to think that if he weren’t so lucky, the outcome could have been worse, if not fatal. It’s now been several weeks since the incident and my dad’s body still aches, which affects his ability to engage in the daily activities of living.
This is not the first time that my family has been affected by unleashed dogs. My parents have lived in North Leaside for over 35 years, and I too lived here for many years. During this time, my mom was attacked and bitten by a dog that was unleashed. It turned out the dog had also attacked other people in our neighbourhood. My husband has been chased by and jumped on by unleashed dogs at Sunnybrook Park. In all of these instances, my family did nothing to provoke the dogs, they weren’t even looking at the dogs and were minding their own business. Everyone will claim that their dog is harmless, but unless you can read their minds, you can’t predict what might happen.
Please, we ask for the safety of all Leasiders to always walk your dog on a leash while in public spaces.
Joyce Chen