Cultural Heritage Landscape of Leaside

Kaitlin Wainwright, Interim Executive Director and Director of Programming, Heritage Toronto, Connor Turnbull, Co-Chair Leaside Matters, Geoff Kettel, Community Advocate, Kim Auchinachie, Co-Chair, Leaside Matters
L to R: Kaitlin Wainwright, Interim Executive Director and Director of Programming, Heritage Toronto, Connor Turnbull, Co-Chair Leaside Matters, Geoff Kettel, Community Advocate, Kim Auchinachie, Co-Chair, Leaside Matters. Photo by Alvin Ng

A booklet co-authored by Kim Auchinachie, Geoff Kettel, and Connor Turnbull, received an “Honourable Mention” in the 2016 Heritage Toronto Awards in the “Short Publication” category on October 17, 2016. The booklet was produced for the “What’s Out There” walking tour of Leaside in conjunction with The Cultural Landscape Foundation Conference held in Toronto in May 2015.

If you would like to receive a free printed copy of this awarding winning booklet, please email us at The booklet is also online at the Leaside Matters website