The Curious Idler
Leaside hero Leasider Cam Whiddon and his friend Jadin Brown, both students at the Royal Military College, recently sprang into action to rescue a driver trapped inside a car about to burst into flames. They …more
Leaside hero Leasider Cam Whiddon and his friend Jadin Brown, both students at the Royal Military College, recently sprang into action to rescue a driver trapped inside a car about to burst into flames. They …more
One of Leaside Life’s writers, who also happened to work part-time at The Sweet Potato on Bayview, shared the news with me today of the imminent closure of the store. This, after not even two …more
Well, here we are – where to begin? How did I end up in front of my computer, trying to write my first humour column for the ever-popular Leaside Life, a respected publication with such …more
Are you a winter person? Me, not so much, though you’d think that living in Canada would make me more accepting of these shorter, colder days with their bursts of snow and Polar Vortex temps. …more
New beginnings! Some form of ‘health is wealth’ makes many people’s perennial New Year’s resolutions lists. Two years ago, I resolved to add more weights to my fitness regime. I’d like to say I followed …more
Donlea disaster? Residents in the Donlea and Eglinton area are up in arms about ongoing and growing traffic issues, owing in great part to continuing Metrolinx construction. Members of the FB group Leaside Community Forum …more
As a follow-up to my November article, I report that the littered state of the Georgia Walsh playground continues. Being a woman of action, I emailed 311 with photos of the littered areas. They replied …more
It’s time for a new season 92 issues. Seven and a half years. 66,000-plus words. Countless joy. In May 2017, two-time Stephen Leacock Medal for Humour winner, Leaside-born author Terry Fallis joined Leaside Life as …more
Yes, the last eight years writing this humble column have certainly been a trip – not to be clichéd – a trip down memory lane. I wrote my first column back in May of 2017 …more
CONTEST DETAILS: To enter, email LeasideLife@gmail.com and include the name of the founder of Ecomvmnt. *Hint: read Steve Hardy’s column on page 4* Include your full name and phone number. The winner will be drawn …more
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