Why we took the road to Rally for Rehab  

Rally for Rehab event poster.

Leaside Life has been encouraging Leasiders to learn about the UHN’s cardiac, spinal and neural rehab centres, right here in Leaside, and encouraging everyone to join the UHN’s Rally for Rehab presented by BMO by registering at https://leasidelife.com/event/rally-for-rehab/ and joining on September 8th.

Wondering how we got involved with the Rally for Rehab? There are many people to thank, yet in addition to all the donors, three Leasiders stand out: Paul Bolté, local business owner of EcoMVMNT specializing in environmentally approved products, and Stan Flemming and Jeff Hohner, owners of Leaside Life as well as other local businesses. All three were the initiators and outstanding contributors.

As with so many charitable initiatives, the road to rewards is usually the brainchild of someone who feels passionately about an issue and those who jump on board who share their enthusiasm. Paul kicked things off when he suggested to Stan that Leaside Life might be a great vehicle to bring Leasiders’ attention to these three world-class rehab centres and also to promote the upcoming Rally for Rehab walk.

Asked how he got involved, Paul commented, “I’ve always been an advocate of a healthy lifestyle and committed to the environment. One day I was cycling down a hill in Leaside and saw the UHN centres and asked my daughter, who works in another part of UHN, about the centres. Before long I was handing out flyers in Leaside for the 2023 Rally for Rehab, which was a great success. Then, I was invited to join the 2024 committee. Realizing Leaside Life is the heart of Leaside, I approached Stan and next thing I knew Alexandra Stevenson, UHN Foundation’s events officer, was presenting at a Leaside Life editorial meeting and everyone was on-board.”

Paul added, “Many of us have needed rehab after an injury. Thankfully in my case never for anything serious, yet I love giving back and wanted to ensure Leasiders were aware of these amazing facilities and to encourage donations and participation in this worthy and fun Rally for Rehab event.”

Stan and Jeff were also all in. “Paul is a longtime community contributor and like myself we both were aware of many Leasiders who have benefited from UHN’s rehab centres,” said Stan. “I first became aware of the centres when a former employee of mine, a young man, was a patient and graduate of the neuro centre’s program. Since then, I’ve heard of other Leasiders benefiting from the cardiac centre, many very close friends.

“Recently via Leaside Life articles, I’ve had the chance to learn about others who’ve attended the centres and about the research scientists who’ve contributed to the innovative programs. Our thanks go out to the local businesses and organizations we’ve featured on page 35. They’ve all stepped up as donors contributing to the success of the 2024 Rally for Rehab.”

Thank you, sponsors!

The platinum sponsor is Toronto-Leaside Rotary Club whose marketing lead, Craig Hutchison, commented that “Leaside Rotary is proud to sponsor the UHN Rally for Rehab because it’s an exciting local Leaside event for a great cause. Leaside Rotary passionately supports local Leaside charities.”

Keep an eye out for their corn-hole game at the Rally for Rehab and be sure to try your luck again at their annual corn roast on Sun., Sept 15th at Trace Manes Park.

The Gold sponsor is Toyota on the Park. Silver sponsors include Power Soccer, Bayview Diamond, EPI Bakehouse, and well-known Leaside real estate broker Patrick Rocca. The media sponsor is Leaside Life and our community sponsor is Sport Chek. They’ve all contributed to the success of UHN’s 2024 Rally for Rehab along with many Leaside residents…like you.

Team Leaside Life looks forward to seeing you, your friends and family on Sept 8th.

Links: https://leasidelife.com/event/rally-for-rehabhttps://torontoleasiderotary.com/event/toronto-leaside-community-corn-roast.


About Suzanne Park 71 Articles
Suzanne is a leadership thinking partner, public speaking and crucial conversation coach, and a writer who enjoys bringing to the pages of Leaside Life the businesses, unique experiences and community contributions of her Leaside neighbours. Her daughter Zhen, a TMU Sport Media graduate has secured a job in her field and has previously contributed articles to Leaside Life offering a fresh perspective on her community.