“Hazy-crazy but not lazy”

In 1963 Nat King Cole released his “Those lazy-hazy-crazy days of summer” album. A little over 50 years later, summer is still hazy and crazy, but not lazy, at least not for Leaside (and Bennington) residents trying to keep up with the increasing threats to our beloved neighbourhood’s streets and built-form character.

Here’s a roll-call of planning-related hearings affecting Leaside in August. This is in addition to the usual bi-weekly stream of Committee of Adjustment hearings which continue unabated during the summer.

30 Parkhurst Blvd.

The OMB hearing for this LPOA appeal of the Committee of Adjustment decision of January 26th is scheduled for August 23rd. This case involves a heritage-nominated property on a heritage-nominated street but a case to which the City has not responded. (See Leaside Life Issue 58, March 2017.)

195 Glenvale Blvd.

Our first Toronto Local Appeal Body (TLAB) hearing, an appeal by the applicant of the refusal of variances in a May 18 hearing of the Committee of Adjustment, is set for September 13.  As a departure from the OMB practice (which it replaces for appeals of minor variances and consents), the TLAB has established a rigid set of procedural deadlines for notification and submission of materials well ahead of the hearing date.  So in this case notification of the intention to be a Party or Participant was required by July 18, and Witness Statements and Participant statements are to be filed by August 15. Glenvale neighbours and the LPOA will be hard at work on these this summer.

28-32 Evergreen Gardens

A five-day OMB hearing for this application to amend the Official Plan and zoning by-laws to allow the construction of a six-townhouse block fronting Evergreen Gardens in Bennington Heights was set to begin on July 24th. The City previously refused the application, which would replace a couple of single detached homes. The LPOA will request to be a Participant, as the development, if approved, will potentially affect Leaside, as the subject property is located directly across Bayview Ave. The Save Bennington group, which has been working hard on fund-raising, will be a full Party at the hearing.

About Geoff Kettel 234 Articles
Geoff Kettel is a community connector and advocate for “making places better”. He is currently Co-President of the Leaside Residents Association, Co-Chair of the Federation of North Toronto Residents‘ Associations (FoNTRA), member of the Toronto Preservation Board and Past Chair of the North York Community Preservation Panel. He writes a monthly column on heritage and planning in Leaside Life.