Let’s move Leaside to another ward
I have just published a book entitled Governing Toronto: Bringing back the city that worked. In it I trace the growth and governance of the city from its creation in 1834 through its successful Metro …more
I have just published a book entitled Governing Toronto: Bringing back the city that worked. In it I trace the growth and governance of the city from its creation in 1834 through its successful Metro …more
Last October Rolph Road school celebrated its 75th anniversary. It brought back a lot of memories. The school opened in 1939. I startedthere in 1940. At that time the school was both an elementary school …more
A great deal is known and has been written about the old Lea and Elgie homes in our community but very few of us are aware of the story of 422 Heath St. East in …more
During the 1940s when I came home from school for lunch our radio would always be tuned to CBL. After the BBC news “direct from London,” and the Farm and Home broadcast, the Dominion Observatory …more
On July 8 the Toronto City Council officially implemented the Development Permit System by amending the city’s Official Plan to read: “The entire City of Toronto is identified by this policy as a development permit …more
Change is in the works, drastic change to the way in which Leasiders have been dealing with redevelopment proposals. That change is known as the Development Permit System (DPS). DPS is authorized by the Ontario …more
Last December we suffered through a horrific ice storm followed by a deep freeze. Almost everyone was without power and heat for an extended period of time. It was an experience we are not likely …more
Did you see the 100-year anniversary exhibit called the Layers of Leaside? For those who, like me, grew up here it brought back a lot of memories, especially when I read the Leaside Business Directory …more
When you put your garbage bin, your recycling bin or your green bin at the curb for pickup, do you ever wonder where the Town of Leaside used to put that garbage? Why in the …more
Although virtually everything we wear comes from off shore, one of the very few Canadian clothing manufacturers still existing is right here in Leaside. Parkhurst Knitting has been making sweaters, scarfs, hats and gloves, providing …more
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