Young Poet’s Corner February 2025

Welcome to the Young Poet’s Corner! Here, we share poems from students at Leaside High School, either members of the school’s Young Writers Club or students in the school’s Writers Craft classes. These poems offer insights into some of the issues that occupy young people and showcase their evolving creativity. We thank Lauren Elizabeth Simmons, Assistant Curriculum Leader for Anti-Oppressive Education, Student Voice, Leadership and Engagement at Leaside High, for inspiring and helping to showcase young talent.

“Love You, Say It Back”

Love you.

Words, I offer, soft and sure.

Waiting here, just me and you.

A gentle plea, I send out to see

what your response will be

and if you will return this part of me.

I hope you will feel

and agree.

Love you, please say it back to me.

Is it even meant to be?

Can you promise, can you see?

A small reply, but it is enough,

a simple line to build our trust.

It’s sometimes whispered, sometimes bold,

but always there for hearts to hold.

Soft like skin, strong as a vow,

a feeling shared between us now.

Love you, say it back.

— Charlotte Hammill

Charlotte Hammill is a Grade 12 Writer’s Craft student at Leaside High School.