The following excerpt is taken from: “Agriculture, Stock, Dairy, Poultry, Horticulture, Veterinary, Home Circle” London, Ont. and Winnipeg, Man Vol XXX1V No. 492. “Prominent among the principal pure-bred stock breeding establishments of the Dominion is Thorncliffe, the farm of Mr. Robert Davies of Toronto, situated just outside the city limits and close to Leaside Junction, a station on the C.P.R. The 400-acre farm is admirably adapted to the specialty of stock-raising, being well watered by a stream, in the valley of which are extensive permanent pastures, while the arable portions of about 300 acres in extent, of rich loamy soil, kept in a fine state of fertility by the growing of clover and liberal application of manure from stock fed on the farm and from city stables, produce heavy crops of wheat, hay, oats, corn and roots, all of which, except the first, are fed on the farm.
“The farm buildings are capacious and conveniently arranged, the main barn being 75 x 100 feet with several extensive annexes and affording accommodation for a very large stock…Clydesdale and Thoroughbred horses, Ayreshire and Jersey cattle, and Yorkshire and Berkshire pigs.
“The Clydesdales are perhaps the strongest feature of the farm stock, and the famous stallions, Admiral and Mikado, the World’s Fair champion, have for several years been in profitable service. Of Clydesdales, a grand collection are in stock; indeed, it is doubtful if a larger number of equal merit can be found in any one stud in America at the present time.”
*Courtesy of David Sandquist of Sandy’s Cycles and Books.