Letter to the Editor March 2019
Re: Streets of Leaside I am glad that Leaside Life, a publication I have long admired, has again recognized my late dear friend Dave Stickney. However, I do feel a need to make some corrections …more
Re: Streets of Leaside I am glad that Leaside Life, a publication I have long admired, has again recognized my late dear friend Dave Stickney. However, I do feel a need to make some corrections …more
Re: Streets of Leaside – Bennington Thank you for the article on the name “Bennington” and about my parents, Thomas and Evelyn Weatherhead. It is wonderful to recall how idyllic it was for me and …more
Dear Editor: When I first saw the article titled “There’s more than business at the Leaside Business Park” I was expecting a nice article about the park. Instead I found a rather unflattering portrayal of …more
Re: Great Newspaper Thanks for producing a great newspaper that is positive, current, and relevant to our community. It is refreshing to read a local newspaper whose advertisers place ads based on the merit of …more
LETTERS Re: Leasiders who chose to go home again Hello, my name is Anne and I am a newbie on the Leaside strip and very comfortable and happy to be here. It’s a friendly place: …more
Re: Terry Fallis’s Industrial Arts and slow dancing at Bessborough (November 2017) Bessborough School, Grade 4, Valentine’s Day. This was my first experience designing a valentine for some girl in the class. I got Jeannie’s …more
Leaside High students on college vs. university? Ms. Zhen Park-Vandal wrote a terrific, well-informed article in the December issue of “Leaside Life.” She compared attending college versus university after graduating from high school. It is …more
Planning decisions should be made locally According to Geoff Kettel’s article in last month’s Leaside Life, the recently established Toronto Local Appeal Body (TLAB), which now hears appeals from decisions of the Committee of Adjustment, …more
Re: Laird in Focus Phase 2 Alternative Development Options, This is a “collective nudge” to encourage the Leaside community to offer your views on the Alternative Development Options currently proposed by the Laird in Focus …more
Re: Will Ashworth’s Business of Leaside column, “To hell with pedestrians” Given that a stoplight at Parkhurst and Bayview would drastically increase the dangers to the many children walking to and from school, Will’s contention …more
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