Spring into action with the LPOA

By the time you receive this issue of Leaside Life it will – officially – be spring, a time of new beginnings. A very fitting time to consider undertaking new activities and ventures.

One important new activity I’d like you to consider is to help the Leaside Property Owners’ Association on local issues: as a director on the LPOA board, or on a project which interests you or affects your street. If you look at our website (lpoa.ca), or have attended community meetings, you will have an idea of the variety of matters we deal with. We know that Leasiders show their interest in these issues, both in principle and in action, by participating, or writing letters, or in conversations with friends and neighbours. We also know that Leasiders have many talents.

Have you considered getting more involved with the LPOA? This need not mean a major time commitment. As a director on the LPOA board you’d be spending only one evening monthly at our regular meetings. It is certainly not a full-time job to be on a special committee, for instance, related to a specific traffic matter, development or zoning concern.

Sharing your professional and personal skills and advice, not to mention opinions, as occasional or frequent local resources (your choice!) would benefit all of Leaside. It’s also a great way to meet other residents, find out what the issues are, learn what’s happening (or could be happening) – in short, to be connected.

All of us have busy lives. None of us has much extra time, but why not put some of that extra time to good use? Let’s talk. Drop us a line, or come to a board meeting, and discover how we can all work, in many ways, together.

Thank you to those who contacted me to express their shock and sadness about the passing of Tom Rae, late of the LPOA’s board and traffic committee. We are committed to continuing our aim to produce an effective neighbourhood-wide traffic calming system, and are meeting with our traffic consultant to that end. I hope to have more specific details in my next column.

I’d also like to thank those of you who have sent good wishes and congratulations on my being awarded the Agnes Macphail Award for 2018. The award is a great honour, as is being able to work for the benefit of our excellent community of Leaside!

Our next LPOA Board meeting is on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4th, at 7:30 p.m. at Trace Manes. These meetings are always open to the public and take place on the first Wednesday of each month. We invite you to attend, whether for help on local matters, to share your opinion or give advice, or just to hear more about what is happening in our community. Contact us anytime via our website, lpoa.ca.

About Carol Burtin Fripp 147 Articles
Carol Burtin Fripp is Co-President of the Leaside Residents Association, and is Chair of the LRA's Traffic Committee. Over the years, she has served on numerous East York and City task forces. Now a retired television producer (TVO and CBC), she writes Leaside Life's monthly LRA column, and has created a daily international current affairs newsletter read from Newfoundland to New Zealand.