Relief Line North gets active

Rapid Transit Network.
Rapid Transit Network.

Relief Line? That’s the rapid transit project intended to provide an alternative to the Line 1 Yonge Subway, originally part of former Mayor Miller’s Transit City plan, but derailed by another former Mayor calling for “subways, subways, subways (and savings)!”

Moving beyond past missteps, there is now serious planning both on the Relief Line South from downtown to Danforth Ave., and a northerly extension from Pape and Danforth, with the goal of connecting to existing/future rapid transit, Line 5: Eglinton and Line 4: Sheppard. The Relief Line North Project Team is working to identify the route alignment and station locations and beginning conceptual design.

The proposed route under Transit City was from Pape to Overlea Blvd. and up Don Mills Rd. This time around, a number of alternative routes are being looked at, including: Bayview, Leslie, and Victoria Park, as well as Pape/Overlea/Don Mills Rd. The Bayview route would intersect with the Eglinton line at Laird. If this route were chosen, Laird would become a real transit “hub,” not just a stop on the Eglinton line as currently envisaged.

Does Leaside want this? Have your say. You can participate in the online survey at

About Geoff Kettel 231 Articles
Geoff Kettel is a community connector and advocate for “making places better”. He is currently Co-President of the Leaside Residents Association, Co-Chair of the Federation of North Toronto Residents‘ Associations (FoNTRA), member of the Toronto Preservation Board and Past Chair of the North York Community Preservation Panel. He writes a monthly column on heritage and planning in Leaside Life.