Leaside Community Canned Food Drive
Six local churches are working together to collect canned goods from Leaside homes Saturday, Nov. 24, 9:30 to noon. The drive starts Saturday, Nov. 17 with distribution of flyers, 9:30 to noon. Volunteers, including high school students wanting volunteer hours, needed for both days. Meet at Leaside Presbyterian Church, Eglinton and Hanna, for route maps on both days. The food will be distributed to four food banks, including the one in Flemingdon Park. Other participating local churches are Leaside United, Northlea United, St. Anselm’s, St. Augustine’s and St. Cuthbert’s. Craig Homewood at or Leaside Presbyterian at 416-422-0510.
Chess, Saturdays, Nov. 3 – Dec. 29 (except Nov. 10 and Dec. 15), 12-1:30. For children, teens and adults. Registration required.
British Comedies, Mondays 2 p.m. Nov. 5: Calendar Girls (PG). Nov. 12: Pink Panther (PG). Nov. 19: Cold Comfort Farm (PG). Nov. 26: Dr. Strangelove (PG).
Remembering 1812, Tuesday, Nov. 6, 7 p.m. Dr. Gary Miedema for a lecture on how the present shapes our memory of the past.
Fall Book Sale, Saturday, Nov. 10, 11–3.
The Craft of Wine Making, Tuesday, Nov. 13, 7 p.m.
The End of the World – As Viewed by the Ancient Egyptians, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 7 p.m. Look carefully into ancient Egyptian texts to see what Egyptians said about it. Lecture by Sherine ElSebaie, advanced Ph.D. candidate at U of T.
A Survivor Speaks, Thursday, Nov. 15, 6 p.m. Nate Leipciger, Holocaust child survivor.
National Film Board Film Club for Kids. For PA day Friday, Nov. 16, 2-2:30.
National Film Board Film Club, Saturday, Nov. 17, 2 p.m. Imaginary Heroine (4 min) and The Boxing Girls of Kabul (52 min).
822 Millwood, adult badminton, Tuesday and Thursday 8-9 p.m. for mixed round robin. All levels. $75 season or $5 evening. Bea Lawford, (416-421-1135).
Eglinton and Hanna. Rummage sale, Saturday, Nov. 10, 9-noon.
Kid’s Club Friday, Nov. 16, 9-4, for JK-Grade 7 with youth in Grade 8 and up appreciated as helpers. Music, crafts, baking, outside play and more. $30 per child per day or $50 per family per day. Special assistance and subsidized spaces available with strict confidentiality. Rev. Angela or Phyllis, 416-422-0510.
Millwood and MacNaughton, annual Christmas bake and craft sale with white elephant table, raffle, refreshments, silent auction, etc. Sun. Nov. 4, 9:30-1:30.
1399 Bayview, Christmas Fair, Saturday, Nov. 10, 11-2. Crafts and gifts, raffles, silent auction, home baking, boutique and treasures, gift baskets, church calendars and paperbacks, Ted’s art gallery, toys and the infamous odds and ends, plus luncheon. www.stcuthbertsleaside.com.
Monthly meeting at Northlea United Church, 125 Brentcliffe, Thursday, Nov. 15, 7.30 p.m. Guest speaker Ken Weber, Professor Emeritus U of T and bestselling author, on The Naughty Nineties – a First Stab at Women’s Lib. Visitors and new members welcome. www.leaside.org/cfuw.
1847 Bayview (at Broadway).
Tai-Chi, Tuesdays 9:30-10:30 a.m., Gentle Yoga for Older Adults,Thursdays 9:30-10:30 a.m., both run by Health and Wellness, SPRINT. Drop into any class for $4.
St. Augustine’s Bazaar: Saturday, Nov. 17, from 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. Lunch available. 416-485-2656.
HOLLAND BLOORVIEW Kids Rehabilitation Hospital
in North Leaside is recruiting volunteers. www.hollandbloorview.ca/volunteer
December deadline for Events Calendar: November 10, 2012. Contact us to place a notice.