I was saddened to learn of the passing of Loretta Flagler, the widow of the late Stan Flagler.
Stan served on Leaside council from 1956 until the merger with East York in 1967. He and the late Vern Page were both elected to Leaside council the same year.
Vern went on to serve a further six years as an East York alderman. Both Vern and his wife Anne passed away a few years ago.
Stan and Vern were close collaorators on Leaside council. They shared a similar view of municipal issues. Both tenaciously fought to maintain the physical character of our community and the integrity of the Leaside industrial area.
They were strong supporters of our recreation programs and facilities but at the same time they were dedicated to insuring that our municipal tax dollars were spent as effectively and as efficiently as possible without wasting a single penny.
In all these respects they reflected the views of the vast majority of Leasiders.
Even after leaving public office each continued to take an active part in guiding municipal decision making.
Their wives Loretta Flagler and Anne Page were also deeply involved in our community in their own right. Both were well known for their participation in a variety of local organizations and activities.
We owe the Flaglers and the Pages a deep debt of gratitude for the important part they played in helping to shape the wonderful community that we enjoy today.