Letter from Leaside Life


‘Tis the season to be thankful

Our friends to the south have just celebrated Thanksgiving. While Thanksgiving in Canada is closer to harvest time, there are still many reasons to be thankful as we head into the holiday season.

Here at Leaside Life we are proud to be part of such a dynamic community, experiencing tremendous growth (not all of it good, admired, or welcome!). But despite the many issues associated with rapid change, we are still fortunate to live in such a warm, welcoming community where people genuinely care about one another. It’s still possible to walk down a main street like Bayview or Laird and run into neighbours who stop to talk, laugh, and maybe share a coffee, tea or pint.

Leaside has always seemed “local” and still does, even with the many new people moving into the neighbourhood.

For the past five-plus years, Leaside Life has dedicated itself to telling your stories. And we will continue to reach out to more Leasiders so we are the magazine you turn to when you want a generous helping of Leaside. Interested in learning more about our local schools? We are now covering school issues in greater depth. What’s the local BIA up to? Read Leaside Life to find out. Sports your thing? You’ll find lots to cheer on in our pages. And we are always looking for more Leaside stories to tell, so let us know what you think.

There is so much to be thankful for here in Leaside. Our very best wishes to all of you from the team here at Leaside Life. Happy Holidays!