Most have noticed fencing at the northeast corner of the SmartCentre at Laird and Wicksteed. The area is being prepared for a larger LCBO store, the last building to be completed on the site, and will open in June with about 12,800 square feet of retail selling area. Sobeys will expand into the space currently occupied by the current LCBO store.
Big shout out to Leaside Movember team members. By growing moustaches, Movember men raise funds and awareness during November for men’s health, specifically prostate cancer. The Leaside team is 27 strong and except for the two female members are growing moustaches. Supporting the effort with sponsorship are eight local merchants and service providers: Grilltime Gourmet Meats, SupperWorks, Leaside Fox & Fiddle, Tremblett’s Valu-mart. Direct Repair Auto Collision, Patrick Rocca, Smokin’ Cigar and FLOKA Salon & Spa.
At this year’s annual meeting the Leaside Garden Club honoured former president June Murdoch with a pin for 25 years of service. President from 1993-2001, Murdoch was a driving force in helping to grow the club (no pun intended) and continues to be an active member and volunteer. Two other Leaside members, Dave Money and Edna Beange, received 25-year pins earlier this year.
It’s been a holiday feature for at least 40 years—the annual Girl Guide Holiday Bazaar featuring all local Leaside groups (Guides, Brownies, Sparks, etc.) To be held Dec. 1, the event is now at Leaside United Church because it grew so much they needed the space. Barbara Ann Smith, Leasider and long-time Guide volunteer with the 259th Toronto Guide Unit, tells us, “The Bazaar is particularly good if you are on a tight budget,” noting the wide variety of quality crafts, décor and gifts for sale.
King for two days; Local resident Dave Moffat is thrilled to play one of the Three Kings in one of Toronto’s longest running Nativity pageants. Held at Little Trinity Church (downtown) this year marks the event’s 75th anniversary. “I get to wear a huge gold cap and crown and march up and down the isles,” says Moffat. Moffat hopes that other Leaside residents who may have been in the production over the years will come out for this year’s event, Dec. 7 and 9.