Free buttons now ready

We’re getting ready! The souvenir buttons are now available, free, at the Leaside Public Library. Before we know it, it will be 2013 and the centenary of the founding of the Town of Leaside.

One hundred more trees in Leaside? Possible? Of course, but we need your help. When the town was first established, the idea was that each front lawn was to have a tree.

 If your front lawn doesn’t have one, or you can see other neighbourhood places where a tree would do well, be ready when we come around with our requisition forms for planting during 2013.

Our logo is available for any local club, sports team or group to integrate into activities for 2013. Just ask us.

We now have a website thanks to the generosity of All Canadian Self-Storage and local sponsors. It will be growing as more material becomes available.  You can help by giving us copies of your prized family photos, slides or souvenirs from long-past events.

If you are a musician, artist or photographer – we have ways you can participate. Likewise, if you’re a history buff and love research you could be the curator for an exhibit we have in mind, let us know. If you’re a fundraiser and would like to volunteer with us, we can use you too.

Committee members Virginia Evoy, Charlene Kalia, Geoff Kettel, Lorna Krawchuk, Councillor John Parker, Chair John Piper and Muhammad Wani will also welcome your suggestions. n

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