Neil McMahon makes a Freshii start in Leaside
It is no small achievement for a man to trade his desk in the secure world of corporate finance for the risky territory of a fast food franchise. But that is exactly what 36-year-old North …more
It is no small achievement for a man to trade his desk in the secure world of corporate finance for the risky territory of a fast food franchise. But that is exactly what 36-year-old North …more
There is something fishy going on in Leaside, but it’s not illegal or smelly. And it all happens at 42 Laird Drive, international headquarters for Lunkerhunt. Say again? For anglers, a “lunker” is a very …more
Queen Victoria’s favourite prime minister, Benjamin Disraeli, Earl of Beaconsfield, Viscount Hughenden of Hughenden – affectionately known as “Dizzy” to his friends – famously advised his political colleagues: “Let sleeping dogs lie.” Nobody in Toronto …more
John D. Rockefeller thought it was essential to well-ordered living. Calvin Coolidge, perhaps the least memorable American president, thought this virtue should be sought not because it builds wealth but because it builds character. Samuel …more
After a chilly start to spring, the time has come for all the ‘green thumbs’ at the Thorncliffe Park Garden Club to get their hands dirty. The club holds the distinction of being the first …more
“It was a problem in 2015. It’s a problem now.”—Norma Fisher, condo president Anyone who drives or walks near the Bayview-Eglinton intersection knows it is a mess: lots of cars, hordes of pedestrians, and poor …more
If there were such a thing as a basic universal language it would surely be based on food, the most common of human experiences. And in that impossible language the one word most of us …more
One of Leaside’s most popular traditions – spring and fall church rummage sales – is changing and may become a thing of the past, according to some leaders of church volunteer groups. The difficulty is …more
Leaside shares a strong sense of community. And a community is a virtuous circle: when you help strengthen the community, a stronger community is there to help you. That lesson-in-life is being learned by Nada …more
When there’s a nip in the air and the leaves start to fall, the time is right to visit Leaside’s Father Caulfield Parkette, a tiny parcel of land sometimes called Triangle Park because of its …more
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