I’m working towards a neighbourhood of neighbours
My mantra is typically “I’m all about place” (you’ll likely know that already). But that does not mean I can’t be about people too. What does that mean? Recently I attended the release of the …more
My mantra is typically “I’m all about place” (you’ll likely know that already). But that does not mean I can’t be about people too. What does that mean? Recently I attended the release of the …more
November 8 Toronto Star caught my attention: “Etobicoke’s coat of arms is set to be removed after being criticized as offensive” and I thought, hmm – I wonder if there’s anything problematic about Leaside’s coat …more
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, besides being one of the major trauma hospitals in Canada, is the home to Canada’s largest veterans’ centre. Each year during Veterans’ Week, from November 5 to 11, Canadians remember and …more
In this space in last February’s Leaside Life we described the influx of tall building applications at and within 500 metres of the intersection of Bayview north of Eglinton, and Eglinton west of Bayview. Guess …more
Introduction This walk is the eastern half of a pair of Central Leaside walks, and as such shares the same Introduction as the Central-West Walk. Leaside is a designed cultural heritage landscape – it features …more
For a full list of all five Leaside walks see: https://leasidelife.com/walking-tours-of-leaside/ Welcome to two new Leaside walks – Central East Leaside and South Leaside – which, together with the existing North Leaside and Central West …more
This is both an update to and correction of last month’s Leaside Life article “Let’s protect a Leaside oasis” about the Crestview Apartments on Leacrest/Mallory. First, the correction. I said that “The Crestview Apartments property …more
Today we hear a lot about the need for housing, but what about jobs? Leaside was designed by Frederick Gage Todd, Montreal town planner and landscape architect, with jobs and housing in close proximity: lands …more
Please note: There is an update to and correction to this article “Let’s protect a Leaside oasis” about the Crestview Apartments on Leacrest/Mallory at: www.leasidelife.com/revisiting-crestview-apartments Back in May 2016 Allan Redway published an article …more
Glenn Asano, in his inspirational piece: “Would that which we call Leaside by any other name smell as sweet?” (Leaside Life, May 2023) challenged readers to describe what they understood to be “Leaside’s brand,” and …more
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