All quiet on the traffic front

All has been quiet on the traffic front. Not on Leaside’s streets, where increased traffic mirrors pre-pandemic times, even though there’s usually a summertime traffic decrease when people are away at cottages. No, the quiet reflects our continued lack of information about the city’s Leaside Traffic Management Plan (LTMP). 

The Leaside Residents Association was due to meet with the LTMP’s planners to learn details, and receive a progress report about what they are working on, as well as information on priority actions. We are (shall we say) more than interested in discussing ways in which Leasiders can contribute to local solutions.

Unfortunately, that meeting was postponed. It is now rescheduled for a date past Leaside Life’s publication deadline for this issue. All of the above will have to wait until the next edition, to be distributed to Leaside homes at the end of September.

On a brighter note, I have hopes that there will be much more information for me to share with you by then.

Calling on all would-be directors!

In the meantime, as we approach the end of summer and the beginning of a new school year (whatever that may mean), the LRA board is hoping to add to our numbers by convincing some of you to join us as directors. Whether you are a home owner or renter, wherever you live in Leaside and whatever your job or particular local interest, please consider joining us. The LRA has an all-volunteer board. We welcome new perspectives and experiences from around Leaside.

We are involved in numerous types of issues and matters, both individual and area-wide. You do not need to be an expert, and you do not need to commit lots of time. 

Interested? I’m happy to answer any questions. You can reach me c/o Leaside Life to set up an opportunity to talk. Or attend one of our board meetings and see first-hand what we’re all about!

The next meeting of the Leaside Residents Association is on Wed., Sept. 1, via Zoom. You are welcome to attend any of the LRA’s monthly board meetings, which take place on the first Wednesday of each month. If you’d like to come and watch, or participate, let us know by Sept. 1 so we can send you the Zoom access details. Learn more at

About Carol Burtin Fripp 147 Articles
Carol Burtin Fripp is Co-President of the Leaside Residents Association, and is Chair of the LRA's Traffic Committee. Over the years, she has served on numerous East York and City task forces. Now a retired television producer (TVO and CBC), she writes Leaside Life's monthly LRA column, and has created a daily international current affairs newsletter read from Newfoundland to New Zealand.