Life in Leaside – death, taxes…and traffic
You know the saying about the only things certain in life being death and taxes. And then there is traffic. No part of Leaside is immune from traffic infiltration of one type or another. Speeding …more
You know the saying about the only things certain in life being death and taxes. And then there is traffic. No part of Leaside is immune from traffic infiltration of one type or another. Speeding …more
The Leaside High School Alumni Association has been working steadily on its plans for the 75th anniversary, to be held on October 23 and 24, 2020. They have started meeting at the school once a …more
The world has witnessed some bitter rivalries. From the Capulets and the Montagues, to Coyote and the Roadrunner, not to mention the Leafs vs. the Habs and dogs vs. mail carriers, we have certainly experienced …more
When cycling around Leaside you quickly realize that while we are blessed with some quiet residential streets, there is a definite lack of connected cycling infrastructure designed for safe travel. Laird in Focus, the City …more
Many of us can recall, as kids, the first spring day when our bikes came out and we raced around the neighbourhood thrilled with the freedom and joy of adventure. Today it seems many people …more
“Monarch butterflies could disappear.” “Bats headed for extinction.” “Rusty patch bumble bee now an endangered species.” Headlines like these opened our eyes to just how little we know about pollinators and the serious state many …more
It’s been over a month now since Leaside celebrated Clean Toronto Together/Earth Day, yet there are many more stories still to be told. Sarah Filippi is a member of EcoAnselm, a group of St. Anselm’s …more
From the time she became Ontario’s Premier in 2013, Kathleen Wynne was set on raising the minimum wage. From 2014 to 2107, the minimum wage increase ranged annually between 15¢ and 75¢, which didn’t seem …more
Field Avenue, as Jane Pitfield has written, refers to the field on which Bessborough Public School now stands. But the name also reflects some of Leaside’s earliest history. In 1912, the Canadian Northern Railway (CNO) …more
Statistics Canada’s only report on the topic (2010), based on the General Social Survey data (2008), reported that 11.2% of Canadian employees and 60% of self-employed workers are able to enjoy a very short commute …more
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