I love my main street contest
Enter to win a $2000 VIA Rail voucher and maybe help Leaside’s Bayview Ave. Take a photo of Bayview and submit it by March 31 to Heritage Canada’s I LOVE MY MAIN STREET contest.
Enter to win a $2000 VIA Rail voucher and maybe help Leaside’s Bayview Ave. Take a photo of Bayview and submit it by March 31 to Heritage Canada’s I LOVE MY MAIN STREET contest.
“I’m 65, but I tell people I was really born in 1967, the year I came to Canada,” says irrepressibly jovial barber Luigi Lavecchia, known as Lui to his customers. Lavecchia’s good humour is remarkable …more
In last month’s column I reported on The Brown Group’s application to build a block-long nine-storey condominium-plus-mixed-use building on the west side of Bayview between Soudan and Hillsdale. Now I have two more development applications …more
Leaside Life is a small operation, which makes it hard to take a sun break at this time of year. It’s been three winters, with this one especially bad, so the time has come to …more
Development pressures are leading residents of Bennington Heights to prepare for at least one impending battle at the Ontario Municipal Board. On Jan. 22, more than 50 homeowners joined a fundraiser for Save Our Bennington …more
Allan Williams, who writes for Leaside Life and was on the Leaside Memorial Gardens board of management, has been exposed. He won’t like being singled out that way because, as another former board member, Paul …more
This past January, only three homes changed hands in Leaside (none in Bennington Heights), which was much fewer than the 10 homes that sold in January 2014. There was a significant lack of inventory this …more
The U.S. dollar was the star of the Leaside Stock Index in January for the second consecutive month. The LSI’s overall portfolio of 20 stocks achieved a total return of 3.7 percent, barely squeaking out …more
Raija Rosenthal has succeeded in reaching her goal of 20 members necessary to apply for a charter as a Lions Club in Leaside. Named the Leaside100 Lions in honour of the neighbourhood’s 100th anniversary in …more
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