Tim has made our Canadian index boom
Summer’s come and gone; three-quarters of the year is already in the books. Fear not because the Leaside Stock Index is just getting started. August saw the LSI deliver its biggest gain of 2014 thanks …more
Summer’s come and gone; three-quarters of the year is already in the books. Fear not because the Leaside Stock Index is just getting started. August saw the LSI deliver its biggest gain of 2014 thanks …more
Summer doldrums had little effect on house prices in Leaside and Bennington Heights this year, according to MLS figures. Comparing this past August with August 2013, the average price increased by 10.3 percent to $1,409,346. …more
1. Many Leaside residents are forced to leave their homes because of property tax hikes. What do you think of freezing their rates? Jon Burnside Tax relief that relates to one’s level of income should …more
The industrial area east of Laird has undergone changes in recent years that have resulted in a mix of tenants different from the norm, most of which probably wouldn’t have existed 25 years ago among …more
Last month we featured Rumsey Rd. resident Cheryl Vanderburg’s one-woman crusade to clean up Leaside. This month we start updates about the Adopt-a-Park/Roadway program being set up in conjunction with the city. Here are some …more
The death of Georgia Walsh was a wakeup call to all Leasiders. The Slow Down Kids At Play signs hit a chord in Leaside and demand for these signs has “gone viral” with demand from …more
It’s back! The second Leaside Halloween Home Decorating Contest begins Oct.18. Visit www.halloweencontest.org for contest details. People whose spooky creativity had entertained their neighbourhood for years appreciated the online recognition. The winners enjoyed prizes like …more
The property at the corner of Laird Dr. and Wicksteed, Four Seasons Auto Collision at 199 Laird, has been sold. Pat Ricci, a member of the family that own the property, won’t disclose the name …more
Are you ready for election day, Oct. 27? Do you know where the candidates stand on the issues that matter to you? The Leaside Property Owners’ Assciation’s constitution does not allow us to endorse specific …more
It’s only the third year running, but the Holland Bloorview Kids rehab hospital expects to see up to 1,000 people this year at its Monster Dash and Spooky Mile on Oct. 26. The highlight of …more
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